Thursday, November 11, 2010

100 Blocks and a Giveaway

Have you seen this?
It's the newest Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks!
Time sure flies by quickly.
 It seems like just yesterday I was sewing up my block for the 100 blocks vol.2.
At the time, I was making my Freebird quilt "Chocolate Stars" for Moda Bakeshop.
 I carefully selected the colors to accent the block, from the Freebird scraps.
I am slowly catching on to the color wheel, color world or whatever you'd like to call it :)
I love this block and it was really hard to send it away.

Now that you know which block is mine, do you spy it on the cover?

Quiltmaker named it Infinity. Cool name :)

When I received the cover art work, I blinked and double blinked. 
 Was my block one chosen for the cover?
It was.
What a lovely surprise.

Would you like a copy of 100 blocks?
Quiltmaker is sponsoring the gift of a copy of the magazine to one of my readers.
I have an additonal magazine to giveaway.
  Comment on this post TODAY ONLY for a chance to win.
Up for grabs:  2 a copies of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks vol. 2.
That's right 2 magazines.
 2 winners.
Contest ends 11/13/10 at midnight EST.
To find out more about other contributors to 100 Blocks check out Quiltmaker's blog.


Brenda said...

congrats on making the cover. It's a lovely block.

Amy said...

This block is brilliant! My favorite so far!

Pokey said...

Who-hoo! Not only a winning block, but on the cover, too. Congratulations, Vickie!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on a cover deserving block Vickie!

Nancy said...

I love your block! Thanks for offering this giveaway.

Michelle said...

That's cool, congratulations!

Cheri C. said...

Would love to win - thanks!!

Carol said...

I like your block Vickie. So nice of you to give away this magazine, I would love a chance to win a copy.

Christine M said...

How exciting to be on the cover!

Tiffany said...

I love your fabric choices! This block really pops!!!

sweetbabies00 said...

still today?

Sherri said...

Congrats on making the cover! I love your block Vickie!

SoozeM said...

Congrats on being published in the magazine, I love your block!! I hope I am lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of this magazine, it looks fantastic!!

Quilthaze said...

Congratulations the block is fab!

Amy R said...

Congrats for having a block in the book AND making the cover! Love how graphic your fabric choices made the block. . . .

Kaye said...

congratulations on being a Cover Gal. Would be soooo hapy to win the new edition to add with the first one

Debbie said...

Congratulations for having a block on the cover, Vickie! I'd love to have a copy of this magazine.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the cover! i've won this magazine already, so this comment isn't an entry, I just wanted to say congrats! and that i love your block!

Marci Warren-Elmer said...

Congrats on making the cover. How exciting!! I love the Momo fabrics you used.

Peach Rainbow said...

Congrats on being feature & making it to the cover - It is a lovely block!
Thanks for the chance.

Diana said...

Wow, to be on the book cover! Congrats! I've been practicing my rottary cutting and piecing skills. This book would be a great tool! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Gill said...

Congratulations on making the cover!
Great block and one of my favourite fabric lines!

Teresa F. said...

I Love your block.Fantastic colours. Congratulations!

May Kristin said...

Congratulations! And on the front cover! That's fun! Great block!

Unknown said...

Its a lovely block you made! Congrats :o)

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I would love to win a magazine! Congratulations on your block making the cover!

I have yet to buy a quilting magazine. If I don't win one, I will be buying it. =)

Irina said...

oh, I'd love to win that book! it looks so good!

Unknown said...

I love your block and your blog. I would love to use this block to make a scrap quilt. I really need to use up some of my scraps. And I will be back to visit your blog.

Texana said...

Congrats, Cover Girl!!! Love the block! And I would love a copy of the mag!

PatchworkRose said...

Your Block is gorgeous. Great use of colour :-)

QuiltSue said...

I LOVE that block, and I'd love to win the magazine.

Kim West said...

Lovely block - the chocolates are so rich!

Lee said...

I love your block - congrats on makeing the cover too! thanks for the giveaway!

Erika said...

I love the block, and I'd love to win the magazine.

Becky said...

Love your block! This is one that I can see me actually making. Thanks for sharing with us!

Joyce said...

Wow! Nice to be on the cover. I'd love to win that book.

Lisa England said...

I love your block, it has such good geometry. And could work with so many types of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats on getting your block to the cover!

I'd love a copy of that here's keeping my fingers crossed!

Carla said...

How fun for you! Love the complex look of the blocks.I so have to try this out!

Zegi said...

I'd love to win! Congratulations on making the cover. Of course just being in the magazine is cool!!!

Wilma Lee said...

I'd love to have the magazine.

Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

Super block ... EXCELLENT name! Congrats on being on the cover, and thanks for the fun hop and awesome giveaway !

GerryART said...

How exciting ! ! !

Judy W said...

I really like your block! Congratulations on making the cover. Can't wait for the magazine!

Stacey said...

love your block, i can honestly say, it is one of my favorites i have seen so far, and as your's is the last, that is pretty awesome!! love the colors, they are so pretty!! thanks vickie, and congratulations on all your successes!!!

Linda K said...

Wow! A cover girl, huh? Great block. This one is on my list to try. Thanks for the chance to win a magazine.

Melissa Corry said...

Congrats on having your block on the cover, it is beautiful and I love the name :)

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

WOW so cool for you. Congrats!!! I love the brown in your block.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Thanks for the beautiful block, cover girl! I love the fabrics! Leave a comment on my blog if I win!

Kd Brown said...

Congratulations! Lovely block design and fabric/color selection--you have done an outstanding job. Thank you for the giveaway. I'd really love to win this magazine. Kathleen

rebecca said...

Great block for the magazine. Also, I spied the very cool new mixwe on the last post. Double congrats!!

Laura said...

Great block! I'd love to win a copy of this magazine. Thanks for the chance.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

On the cover! Awesome! Very cool looking block, Vickie!

Cindy said...

Love your block! And so cool that you made the cover.

Suburban Stitcher said...

I love your block...the browns are great! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine!

Aleisha said...

I love your block. Great fabric selection. Congrats on making the cover of the magazine.

Vickie said...

Congratulations on the cover shot!
It's a great block!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Sarah Craig said...

What a fabulous block! I particularly love the colors - and would love a chance to win this magazine! Thanks for the chance!!

luv2quilt2 said...

Congratulations on being published on the cover! Beautiful block.

suz said...

This is a great block. Congratulations on being in Volume 2 AND on the cover!

Renea said...

Love this quilt block and the colors of the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

epban said...

Wow a cover block! Congrats!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Congratulations on your "cover block"! Thanks for the chance to win:)

Juels said...

Congratulations! And such a great block. Would I like to try for a copy of the magazine so I can make my own version of your bloc? You betcha! Thanks!

Cherie said...

keeping my fingers crossed!

Fernanda said...

Beautiful block! Congrats!

Mary said...

This is a great block. One you could use all types of fabrics.
Congratulations on making the cover

two hippos said...

congrats on the cover. the range of blocks looks amazing.

Bev C said...

Wow front cover. Congratulations.
Happy days.

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl :-) Great block!

Carrie P. said...

Great block. Congrats. thanks for a chance to win a magazine.

nono said...

Congratulations on your cover block. Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda in PA said...

I really like your block. Congratulations on making the cover. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mary said...

That's so cool that your block is on the cover! It sort of reminds me of two butterflies intertwined (is that a word?) Would love to win - thanks!

Nancy said...

Ohhh mmmmm geee... how cool to have your block on the cover!!

I would love to win a copy...

grendelskin said...

Congratulations! I just played with a bitty pic in Punisher and the block is lots of fun! Looking forward to playing with it in actual fabric.

Beth in TN said...

Love your style! I am eagerly awaiting my chance to see the magazine.

Kathryn said...

I think brown is my new favorite solid to use in quilts. I love your use of it in your block. Kathie L in Allentown

Deb said...

Block is great Can't wait to get my hands oon book to begin doing all these blocks Love the blog also

Needled Mom said...

I love your block! How fun to have it land on the cover of the magaizine!!!!!! Yeah!

~Kris~ said...

Infinity is a cool name. When you stare at the center of the block it has a sort of mesmerizing effect. Congratulations on being selected for the magazine.

mean sarah jean said...

i can see why it would be hard to give up. hopefully you made a second one just like it. congratulations on making the cover.

Monica said...

Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said...

Congrats on making the cover! I love the block!

And thanks for the giveaway!

Amy Sp said...

I've seen this magazine all over the web lately. Congrats on making the cover!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful block and the colors are perfect! Congrats on making the cover.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


greelyrita said...

Your block is just perfect: complicated looking but not crazily difficult! I'd love a copy of this magazine!

Gwen said...

Your block is just great, can't wait to give it a try. thanks for the giveaway.

DianeY said...

Love your block-especially with the great color contrast

Alicia said...

Congrats on making the cover, its such a unique block, I am excited to see it next to its twins!

WoolenSails said...

Congratulations on your cover winning block!
Would love to win a copy.


Linda E in NM said...

Congrats on your cover block!

Shannon said...

Wow, the cover! How special. Thank you for the chance to win. Your block is great!

mamammelloves said...

I love this block, and I would love to win the magazine! :) I have volume 1, and I can't wait to get my hands on volume 2! Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcia W. said...

Congratulations on making the cover of QM 100 blocks! I've been stopping by to read your blog for a while. Your entry block is lovely. Thank you for the nice giveaway - please enter my name into the drawing.

sntbosch said...

Love the block and would love a copy!

marilyn said...

Your block reminds me of chocolate. I think I need some right now :)

beckyquilts said...

Congratulations on your block being in the magazine and especially on the cover!
Pick me for a free magazine!

cathy said...

Love your choice of fabrics. Looking forward to playing with this block to see the secondary patterns that happen. Would love to win.

Patty said...

I love the block and the fabric. Congratulations on being on the cover!

Anita said...

This magazine looks like it would be great addition to quilting libraries. Thank you!

Sara said...

Congrats on the cover! That's wonderful!

Karen said...

Net block. I think I could use it to make a scrap quilt

Baskets Of Quilts said...

Congrats on the cover! Love your block! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jen said...

I love your block! Very cool.

paulette said...

Hi Vicki!
I went through your list of the quilters who have entered and I couldn't find my name so I don't think I have entered...yes the mind is sharp as a tack...albeit a VERY rusty tack!! Please throw my name into your GA hat!! I would love to win this magazine! Thanks SEW much!!

Lee Ann L. said...

Oh, I'm loving the block! So many variations depending on the colors chosen. Awesome. Congrats on making it into the magazine. :-)

baukje said...

Would love to win . very nice block!!!

Jenny said...

great block!
congrats for making the cover!

SpencerFamily said...

Congratulations on being a cover block! It is a fabulous block!

Pat S. said...

Hi Vickie! Congrats on being chosen for the cover of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Magazine!!! Your Infinity Block is really cute and I can imagine lots of possibilites for quilts! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Congratulations on the cover photo! Love the name of your block! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Angela D. said...

great block! thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

Anonymous said...


deserae said...

Love your block!!! :)

Sharon said...

Great block and on the cover how wonderful.

Jody said...

I love your block! Crossing my fingers to win.

Cindi said...

Very cool block! Congrats on making the 100 block issue!

Lisa said...

What a pretty block! I love the fabrics too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making the cover... Infinity so appropriate. Many more will come.
I'd love to win a copy of this mag.

Erin said...

Congrats on your cover art!! What a neat block - it's lovely!

LizA. said...

Neat block. Congratulations. Can't wait to check out the magazine and all the rest of the blocks

Sandy said...

Congratulations on the block and the cover! How exciting for you! Annndddd, I would love a copy of that magazine...thanks for sharing.

Barb Johnson said...

What a great block! I can see all sorts of possibilites for it.....And yes, please enter me into the drawing for a copy of the magazine!

Nancy Sue said...

Congrats on the feature in 100 Blocks! And the cover at that! Double the whoo hoo!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

What a great block! Congrats for making the cover. I love your blog and read it daily. Keep up the good work!

darlene said...

That black really enhances the other fabrics. Thanks for the giveaways.

kwiltnkats said...

Congratulations on making it to the cover. I think it would be awesome to be selected as a designer for the publication but certainly icing on the cake to be one of the 100 selected for it's cover! When hearing the blocks name I automatically thought of the movie Toy Story. Infinity and Beyond!

Regina said...

OOHhhh - I love this block! This one will absolutely go on my TO DO list!! near the TOP!

sewcrafty said...

Found it last block in far left row!! Congrats to you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured - and 'Infinity' - indeed!

Kathy said...

Interesting block! thanks for the chance to win a copy of 100 Blocks.

Sewbig said...

Great block! And on the cover!

Annmarie said...

Love the colors you used in your block - very chocolatey! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Rafael's Mum said...

A cover girl! Congratulations!! It looks like a fabulous publication!

Jill said...

What a nice block!

Aurora Quilts said...


Aurora Quilts said...


BeachQuilter said...

How exciting to be on the cover! Great block!

Julie S said...

How fun it must be to see your design work on the cover of this most amazing magazine! I like your contemporary block! I can't wait to own a copy of this second edition of 100 Blocks.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your block....especially in Freebird.....thanks!

kt said...

Great block--love your color choices!

Jen said...

Love your block! Congrats on the cover!

the gathering girls said...

Thats great news! Keep up the inspiring ideas!

Janet said...

I'd love to win this magazine. Your block is great. Congrats on making the cover!

Janet said...

How nice that you made the cover of the new issue!! I would love to win a copy. I really enjoyed last year's issue.

Quilt Monkey said...

Congratulations on not only being in the magazine, but on the cover too! Great block!

♥Duff said...

♥ your block! Keep rockin' it, sister!!

ytsmom said...

Love the chocolate brown fabric. Wish me luck!!

Fleurette said...

Congratulations on making the cover, Infinity is gorgeous! love the colour and fabric choice.

Kathy said...

i like your block...enter me for the magazine giveaway

Jaylene said...

Love your block. The fabric you used is great too. Congratulations on being on the cover too.

Brita said...

Looove those fabrics, and it's a great block for those fun fabrics!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! And I want to win a magazine!

Christie said...

What a cool block! And it made the cover!! Way to go!!! HUGS... and stitches

Marilyn W said...

Way cool block! I'm going to have to make a quilt out of it...I'll send you a pic.

Thanks for the gift opportunity too.


Chelley said...

Love your block! Congratulations!

Donna said...

How exciting that your block is on the cover! This has been a fun week checking out the different blogs and websites. Thanks for the giveaways.

Lyn said...

What a lovely block! I've got my fingers crossed that I win!

LisaG said...

Brilliant block, well done for getting on the cover. I look forward to showing everybody I come into contact with the block from the blog :-)

Kay said...

I really like your block & will have to try it out. Congrats on being on the cover.

Patty said...

congrats on your block. please enter me

Marianne said...

Congrats for making the cover. Thanks for the wonderful block and for taking part in this fun event.

greelyrita said...

My Goodness! I was trying to subscribe to your blog and subscribed to the comments of this post instead! What a surprise! 85 new emails. And more to come, I'm sure. Yikes. :P

Lori S said...

Congrats on making the cover! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cori said...

I likethe fabric you used as well as the block. Congrats on the magazine and the cover

Jeanne said...

Nice block! Congratulations on making the cover of the magazine.


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to seeing your block and the 99 others in this magazine. How fun to have yours on the cover!!


Blue & White Wear said...

Congratulations!Your block is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely block. Love your color combinations.

Renegade Quilter said...

Love, love, love your block!!!!

scottylover said...

Cool block! Looks easy to do too. Not too many triangles, either! :) I could probably make this one!

Sandy A

Wendy said...

What a treat! Congratulations on your block making the front cover!! Beautiful!

Gari in AL said...

What a great block. I can see it in so many color combinations. And I would love to win: what inspiration to hold and use.

Gretchen said...

Big congratulations for making the cover!! Your block and fabric is just fabulous!!! Definitely on my list of blocks to make. Crossing my fingers to win a copy of the magazine:)

blue star stitcher said...

Congratulations! I love those chocolaty browns in your block.

Nancy said...

That is a great block, and love the color combination. Congratulations for making the cover!
I would love to win a copy.

arlette said...

I'd love to win, but it's crowded already..., congrats for being in the cover ♥♥♥

Kathy H said...

Congratulations on making the cover. I love the chocolate in your block.It looks great.

Linda (Petey) said...

Sure would like to get this special magazine as a prize! Congratulations on being in it...and on the cover!

quilter000 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim Q said...

I love your block! And I REALLY love that gorgeous chocolate brown fabric you used with the floral print...yummy!

quilter000 said...

Vickie what an accomplishment to be on the cover of an important magazine. You go girlfriend. Love the block you made i see why it is on the cover. Quilter000

Deb said...

Congratulations on a block in the book and on the outside of the book! Wonderful block and I'd love to win the giveaway.

quiltmom anna said...

A wonderful block- Congratulations on being chosen for the magazine.
Congratulations on being on the cover too.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

WYO Di said...

I love your block! The best part is it coordinates with your new Kitchen Aide! lol I'm new to your blog and that is one of the big "pluses" of this 100 Block V2 venture!

momawake said...

Congratulations! I really like the fabric choices for your block.

MoeWest said...

Congrats on being selected for the cover. Your block is very nice and so well named! I would love to win the magazine.

Julie w said...

Great block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Dandelion Quilts said...

What a cute block. I could totally see myself making it, Vickie. Congrats on making the cover, very big stuff. You are just making a splash all over the publishing world, good for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an honor! Congrats for making a lovely block! Thanks for the chance to win.

VickiT said...

Ooh I really love your block. Great name for that too. I really like how the center of that block looks. I can certainly see why you gave it the name you did.

Congratulations for being in the magazine AND on the cover too. YAY. How fun.

Lina said...

Your fabric choices are great. Thank you for the giveaway.

Nancy said...

From here to Infinity! And beyond! Congrats on making the book!