Saturday, March 05, 2011

1069 and 700?

Thats my number of followers and blog posts!!
 yes 1069 followers.
  I started to write this post when I attained 1000 followers.
 I was so taken by this...

I took a picture!
I had no idea that many people want to read my ramblings.
I am glad you do.
I was planning on doing a giveaway at 1000 followers in honor of this uber exciting milestone.
However, I exceeded 1000 faster than I could blog this.
Plus I have reached 700 posts.
 Since this was such a big milestone for my blog I wanted to thank everyone and have a giveaway.
But it has to be big.
Big to me anyhow LOL.
So I decided to coordinate with the Fat Quarter Shop.
This way I can give you something you really want!
Free Fabric!
With it being March and St. Patrick's Day nearly upon us, I decided to bring the Luck of the Irish to you.

Be on the look out for the Leprechaun and his Pot o'Gold giveaway coming soon!
{psst March 10th}  


Unknown said...

I'll be watching!

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

Congrats Vickie! How exciting!

Shana Putnam said...

First of all congratulations! Second of all, I can't wait! Who doesn't want free fabric?

Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations on 700 and 1069! Both are amazing numbers!

Marsha B said...

Congratulations on the big numbers, that is really amazing! We always love a giveaway, too.

Sherry said...

Congrats! How exciting!

Heather said...

Congrats, such great milestones! I was looking at the picture and happened to notice that I'm in it (bottom row, second from the end). Maybe that will mean I'll be lucky in the giveaway.

AnnieO said...

Wow, congratulations!! Those are some great stats that make you feel all spun and sugary inside, I bet :)

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

What great achievements! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and you are keeping lots of gals very happy!
I'll be watching for Mr Leprechaun and Vickie's next activities!

rosa said...

muchas felicidades por tus 700.besos

Lee said...

Congrats on the milestone posts and followers!

Tanyia said...

How fun, and congrats on 1k followers, that rocks! :)

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

can't wait!!! cngrats on the milestone

Crafty Girl Creations said...

congrats on such a great milestone!!! I will be watching!!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Congratulations! And I will be watching to the give away too!!

Deana said...

Congrats!! And that 1000+ followers is really even higher! There are some (like me) who follow anonymously for some reason or another ;o)

Pretty cool!

PamKittyMorning said...

Congratulations Vicki!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

How exciting! Those are some big numbers! Good for you! Keep writing!


Q said...

Congratulations to you! PSSSt My Birthday is the day after the 10th... do you think it's some sort of sign ;)

Aimee said...

Congrats on all your followers & on so many posts!