Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

We spent New Year's Eve day trying to make a the snow was just the right consistency for packing.  The only issue was that the snow on the bottom wasn't packed hard enough to hold the middle "body" and it collapsed under the weight...hence there is no 'finished' snowman photo LOL! Those girls had a VERY good time outside. I took atleast 50 pictures.
As for finishing any more fabric projects...well that didn't happen the last 27 hours of 2009 so I ended the year with 55. I am happy with that...actually over joyed! I didn't expect to get half that done.  It was definitely a good year from that perspective.
Now as nearly everyone does I look toward the future year 2010.  What is my goal? resolution? you ask. Well I don't 'do' resolutions....because I never keep them. I did go back and re-read what I said at the beginning of 2009.
Here's what I wrote:
First: We'd like to sell our house....we thought we had it sold but the person backed out. It was devastating...but all things happen for a reason, I HAVE to believe that.

Second: I want to be more organized throughout my home. With 2 kids things get cluttered and I really dislike that 'look' around my house.
Third: I'd like to keep in touch with my family more and see them more often, they all live atleast 9 hours drive away.
Fourth: I'd like to finish more of my works in progress. I have been working on them in the last 2 weeks pretty heavily. I work differently than some, I like to have at least 5 or more projects at my sewing table at once. I get more done that's efficient for me.
Fifth: I'd like to use more of my fabric. So many quilters call this stash. I think that has almost a negative connotation for me. IF I buy fabric, I'd rather feel good about it. So I am not calling it my stash. I consider ALL of the fabric WIPs....they are all part of a work in progress so I guess it's really part of #4 goal. LOL
So it looks like I made 4 of my 5 goals of last year!! No we didn't sell our house's going on 3 years..for real...and kinda sad. It's a wonderful home. I can only pray that the right family will come along soon!

So my goals for 2010 are.....

First: We'd like to sell our house.... All things happen for a reason, I HAVE to believe that.
Second: exercise more....Lord I HATE saying that...but it's true..20 minutes a day just isnt cutting it anymore. It means I have to get up even earlier than I already do....
Third: Continue quilt designing but balance it with personal projects too in order to keep it more like a hobby than work.
Fourth: Continue to use the fabric I already have...with the necessary Moda fabric additions LOL (can't leave out Moda!)

And to all of you...
Happy New Year! I hope you have a joyous and prosperous 2010!


Four O'Clock Quilt Company said...

I have a lot of those goals too. We moved to this house three years ago, and never could sell the other house. It's rented, but it is a huge financial drain that is going to be a problem in the near future. I like to buy fabric with a specific purpose too, but I am way ahead of myself, so on to the quilt room! Best of everything in the new year to you!

Anonymous said...

Ehhh,,,,ehhhh those girls were having a good time!!

Happy New Year to you and yours

~Laurie~ said...

Happy New Year Vickie! Your goals sound a lot like mine! We're moving from Maine to Texas, so I'm really hoping our house will sell quickly (although my husband wants to keep it to rent). I'm starting to go through my "stuff" and am kind of looking forward to organizing my buckets of fabric! I think I may have a giveaway soon for some of the "stash" I will never use though!

Hope it's a great, healthy and happy new year for you and your family :)

lisa said...

one of my goals for this decade is to BUY a home, but this year's start to that is finally paying off some debts from when I was pregnant and hubby had no job (fun 8 months that was!) and establish a healthy savings account. I wish I was in a position to buy your house from you!

Lissa Jane said...

g'day Vickie
Happy 2010 to you and your mob.. I hope your 2010 goals are met.. I dont make 'resolutions' I never do them, but my only plan for this year was to go veggie for a month, so far so good :O) was hard cooking porterhouse steaks for the mob last night, but I did enjoy my salad! LOL

take care and quilty huggers to you :O)

Jocelyn said...

Great goals Vickie! I hope it all works out. Wishing you a very happy and blessed New Year!

Miriam said...

Happy New Year, Vickie!

I hope you achieve all your goals for 2010.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Yes, snowmen...every time the snow is the right stickiness! Fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Vickie. xo

Amber Polk said...

I have a ton of goals this year too! I figure if I even get half of them done then that's a big accomplishment! Main one is to give myself twenty bucks for every inch I lose in my waist! lol I had to motivate myself somehow!

Happy New Year

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Great goals, Vickie. I hope you accomplish all of them. Happy 2010to you!

Marie said...

Hang in there with selling the house, it will happen at just the right time. I am pleased to find someone else who likes to work on multiple projects at the same time; and it is all the more special when they get finished.

Jacqueline said...

Happy new year dear Vickie! Such wonderful goals! Good luck and i hope all your goals work out. Your girls seem to have a really good time. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


ohiofarmgirl said...

You do have a lot of goals. sorry to hear about your home not selling. We had that happen to us too and it was bad but it did finally sell and we are happy now in our home for almost 10 years. Dianntha

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

Hi Vickie. I like your goals. Ours are pretty similar. I'm starting to work on my second Moda Bake Shop tutorial. Should go fast. Take care, sweetie.