Sunday, November 08, 2009

2 yr old plus scissors....

and I cried a little..... she cut right through one of my hand pieced projects....while I was going to the was 2 minutes tops...AAAARRGGH!!!!


Kate D. Spain said...

oh noooooo! so sorry to hear that!

Claire said...

Kids! gotta love 'em...even though they ruin some of the things we like the most.

Carla said...

Awwww My mother had a crochet basket that she kept her current projects in. This time it was a queen size afghan, just rows from being done. My 6 year old was mad at her and took the scissors straight down into that basket. Needless to say, months of work destroyed. Mom cried for days and it was the worst punishment for my girl to see her gramma cry.

Maria said...

I feel your pain. I had a king size quilt that I was stitching binding on. My 3 year old son cut a big slice into the border. I had to take the whole thing apart, carefully piece in new backing, batting and border. The machine quilter, a good friend, quilted the feather back in the border.

My son is now 14. I've forgiven him!!!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

the same thing happened to me last year... It was a FINISHED RUNNER that I was binding... I went to the bathroom after I changed his diaper and two big snips thru the runner by the time I got back to the counter! I was so mad I couldn't even get mad or cry... when out and shoveled snow instead!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Oh no! Heartbreaking! I hope you've forgiven her. I'm sure she didn't mean it. But that made my heart sink after reading that.

Anonymous said...

So sorry! The worst my kids have done is cut their own hair. At least that grows back.

Unknown said...

Now that is a bummer........... :-(

Suburban Stitcher said...

oh, that really stinks! Looked like a good one too :(

Dandelion Quilts said...

Oh dear. Not good. Could have been worse, she could have kept going. She could have cut her hair. Not that it makes better.

sweetbabies00 said...

Wait 'til they get the scissors and give themselves a haircut. I cried.. with the girls. I laughed at the boys. :)

Shelina said...

The worst my daughter has done is cut her own hair - very close to the scalp!

Ooh, at least you have a 2 year old to blame, I cut through a quilt top all by myself by accident. When I was young, I set myself on fire!

Jo said...

Once my son cut through a 9x9 redwork embroidery piece I had just finished. The piece was for a community quilt that was being put togehter for the towns anniversary. The block had to be in the next day! I was LIVID. He was 17 at the time and was cutting up a t-shirt for rags and cut through it and the ziplock bag it was in. The ladies who put the quilt together were patient with me while I redid the block. Then they wrote a history of the blocks and included the story of the cut block with it. Oh the joys of motherhood.