Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bursting Mail Box........

Yes, it was just bursting with fun, exciting surprises....Like this Random Act of Moda by Lissa.... An owl just for me. how adorable!!!

My friend is here for a day or 2 from Tennessee. She is always coming up with something. She crafted me a SUPER DUPER cute cupcake pincushion. She also made me the oreo cookie pincushions I blogged here. THEY are trully the type of deserts I NEED to keep around instead of the real stuff.

AND on top of that I received my "Wishing it was Spring" swap!

Two amazing spring-y fat qaurters from Sarah. If you notice in the above pic there is a gorgeous yellow Kaffe....wellllllll friend and I went back to the 50% off sale yesterday. So now I have my spring swap fabrics to send....but not that HAS to be a surprise.

So it is like 3am here and I should be sleeping. The thing is is that my DH (who is the best) is snoring...should I say that here? well I went to bed early...and slept 5 hours (that's almost a full night) and then it kinda started....the snoring. I figured..I'm up, let's blog all I have been wanting to for like 3 days. Now ...I need to get sewing.....maybe I better not do that at 3am....


Anonymous said...

Love your blog... and the fat free deserts too!! I can also identify with the snoring... it's a killer at 3 in the morning!! I'll certainly be back... keep up the great work... Lx

Carla said...

Very pretty things there! I identify with the snoring. LOL What gets me up though, is the cat. She loves to run and run and run....Her claws in the rug is worse than the snoring.

Christy クリスティ said...

wonderful mail goodies!

Dandelion Quilts said...

WOW...homemade goodies are the best. Super cute owl...almost could eat the cupcake! LOL. I must be hungry this morning.

Jodi Nelson said...

So tempting to sew at 3 am isn't it! Been there done that. LOL ooxx`jodi

V and Co. said...

hey vicki i just wanted to pop over here and tell you i like your posts on moda bake shop! :)

Thimbleanna said...

Great goodies! And it only seems fitting that if you were posting at 3 am, I should be reading at 2 am LOL!

julia said...

Hi Vickie,
what a cute owl you got ~ a well deserved random act of moda! Love your tutorials over at mbs.
The cupcake is gorgeous!
Hugs, Julia

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Your cupcake matches your blog. LOL. It's too cute! I also have that pattern for the felt Oreos. I think I need to make a few and pass them out to people.

Verification word: pridegas. Just had to post that one!

Tonje said...

What great mail goodies you've got. Love the cup cake, it looks yummy!

Wilma Lee said...

Love the cupcake!! Lucky you.

2ne said...

Your cup cake look just gorgeous. Have a great day :-)