Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Boy's Story

Last week I stopped at my LQS with my mother in law. I am always looking to see what new things she has since I hadn't been there in nearly 2 months.
I found a few fabrics I liked, mostly for my stash.
The best find, in my opinion, was the book "A Boy's Story" by Ami Downs.
I had seen Ami's booth at quilt market and loved these projects.
With no boy to quilt for, I passed on buying the book.

Now that my sister is having a boy, I DO have a reason to have this book LOL.
So I bought it.
I am planning on putting the robot applique on a onesie.
The possibilities are endless.

And I love this quilt too with the big stitch quilting.
So if you are looking for an inspiring boy quilt book, this is it.


  1. Thanks for sharing that! With all boys, that is certainly a book I could use!

  2. Vickie, I love your interpretation of a boy's story in your designs...adorable

  3. Very cute! You will have fun with that book.

  4. I love the robots!! And the stars...I will have to find this book asap!

  5. I LOVE this book's on my Wish List...and no boys in this family...yet!! But maybe someday...
    Take care and thanks for the reminder!

  6. All we have in my family is boys so I will have to check this book out! So far so cute!!

  7. I have two sons and it is sometimes hard to find quilts and other goodies that are just for them! Thanks for the heads up!

  8. What a great book. I love to find great resources for patterns like that.

  9. I couldn't resist this book either because I have boys (1 big - hubby & 1 small- 5yo)and its so hard to find great boy patterns. I thought there was great patterns for both big and small boys. I haven't made anything from it yet but wanted it in my library.

  10. What a great book! Thank you for the preview/review! I wonder if it's too late for me to add to my Santa wish list, or at this stage in the game I may be on the naughty list. Oh, well, there is always next year! But I don't think I can wait that long to not have a copy!
    Happy holidays!

  11. What a neat little boy inspiration book. I will have to look for it at my local shop next time I am there. I am always up for new ideas.


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