Wednesday, December 15, 2010


 Since we happen to be celebrating Christmas 4 times this kids have gotten their Christmas presents in stages. American Girl came from my mother.  And Blythe with Littles Pet Shop from my mother in law.
It became an obssession for my 9 year old to clothe Blythe with more that what she came with.
Like immediately.
So Sunday evening, I dug through some of my older Lil Bratz knit clothing and original patterns for lil Bratz clothes to see how close the fit would be. To my daughters astonishment,they fit the Little Pet Shop sized Blythe doll.
Here's the original Lil Bratz knit pattern on my blog.

 G insisted I take pictures of the looks.
I have several items that need snaps or to be sewn up the back and they are done.

 I think on was a purchased outfit but my memory is pretty bad about it. If I bought this one it was about 6 years ago.
 I made this skirt with quilting cotton and knit the top.
 This dress is knit and my own design.
 This is also knitted.
This was another pattern I was trying.
Now I am inspired to create more outfits for her little Blythe girl. Maybe a cloche or something too...
the possibilities are endless.


  1. This might sound strange out of the blue but would you like a pile of lil bratz clothing for free? My daughter outgrew the dolls and they have been sitting here brand new (she never played with them preferring her stuffed animals) They are out of the packages but never used. If you send me your address I can send them to you. I think she had almost every outfit made for them.

  2. That doll has a great wardrobe! Isn't it fun making little dresses?

    Now that there is an AG doll in your home, have you considered creating clothing for her? Your daughter will think you're even more amazing!

  3. How fun for Blythe to have so many options in her wardrobe. Nice job on them!

  4. Your Blythe girl looks so fashionable!

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Love the creativity and variety of outfits! Now she needs a hairbrush. =)

  6. So cute! I have all boys......not many pink things in my house. Even my dog is a boy!

  7. That's right, you were a knitting blog...correct? Very cute little clothes, makes me want to play with dollies again!

  8. Vickie... Would you be interested in swapping links? I added you to my Blog sidebar Let me know! lindsay.conner(at)gmail(dot)com


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