Saturday, March 06, 2010

Saturday WIPs

Here's a glimpse of my sewing table....yep. It's not pretty. I have 7 projects pinned and ready to sew. That's how I roll. I pin until I run out of pins or projects...and I haven't run out of projects yet.  All projects are in different stages.  I decided this morning to pull some older WIPs. There are a couple that I started 2-3 years ago. I am just working on them little by little.
This may be all I sew today.  Today is the last basketball for my daughters season. I have to take the little one with me so there will be no sewing on bindings.  Probably just chasing a soon to be year old all over the gym.  Who knows maybe it will tire her out?


  1. This is so how I work! I currently have four projects spread out over my sewing room!

  2. My table is a mess, too. Thanks for your help earlier. I finished and am all set. :)

  3. Can I pass along some of my own WIPs to you?? Seems like you'll get to them before I will. LOL.

  4. Just found your blog and became a follower. I'll be back! Wow you had a productive day!


  5. Who in the world wants to work on just one project at a time - how boring!!

    Creativity doesn't say "oops, no more creative thoughts till you finish all those UFO's"


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