Friday, March 05, 2010


I had a chance to stop at a quilt shop in Columbus last week called QuiltTrends. I hadn't been there in ages.
Well my friend and I browsed the shop...twice over. I had nothing in the hand-seriously.
Then I looked up...after being in the shop for quite some time and looking at what I thought was everything they had. I looked up and saw a quilt that I couldn't live without.
They carefully situated bundles of Amy Butler fabrics on a shelf nearby.
What could I do? just buy the pattern and assume that I would have enough fabric from my stash?
Heck no!
I bought the bundle and the pattern.

It is nearly cut and ready to start sewing.
It should finish 84 X 84....
I'm sew excited.
Turns out, that of the stack of 40 Amy Butler prints...I only had 2 FQ's in my stash.  Even I was shocked. I thought for sure I had more than that.
I am trully happy I splurged on this one. I think I would have been disappointed if I had only bought the pattern. 
As I assemble it, I will try to take pictures of my progress.
And well you know how I am about scraps....oh you don't?
well just wait and see what I made with the scraps!


  1. Great pattern! Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  2. Hi Vickie! I was at Quilt Trends last week too! I bought a few Kaffe Fassetts as well as Amy Butlers! Today my little group of quilting friends are heading out for Lebanon - there's a quilt show going on, and we will stop in
    Waynesville to shop at Fabric Shack on our way home. Have fun with your AB quilt!

  3. Oh I can't wait to see your progress!

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Looks lovely...I'll be watching for your finish!

  5. Love the fabric, cant wait to see your finish:)

  6. I can´t wait to see your progress.The fabrics are great!!

    Have a wondeerful weekend

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    hahahahaha... I would have done the same...

  8. Love the pattern...and of course the fabrics! This will be a wonderful quilt to watch progress! Sometimes we do just have to splurge!!!

  9. So glad to hear that others get struck by a quilt hanging in a shop and can't walk out without buying the supplies to duplicate it! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the scraps!

  10. Oh that is going to be an awesome quilt!! :D

  11. Wow, what eye candy. I love the fabrics and the pattern as well!


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