Friday, October 24, 2008

Pincushion winners!

This last week has been crazy. My sister was here helping us paint the house we are trying to sell. Thank goodness she was. It really helped. We were able to get sooo much done. I didn't get any quilting done though.
Now my little one is sick...cough, 102 fever, and laryngitis...ok so the fact that she can't scream...doesn't bother me but the fever is bad. She's been to the doctor and they said it's a virus so we've been using tylenol and baths to help the fever. I think she's a bit better today. She was even willing to draw some names for the pincushion giveaway......And the winners are.........
Mar, Mamabug and Jeanne!!! Congrats! I've sent you all an email for your information.
Now I am off to try and sew a bit while she naps.


  1. I got your email and answered before I knew the little one was sick. Sure hope she is feeling better soon. Popsicle time? Thanks again to both of you!

  2. Boo! I wasn't a winner but congratulations to the three who were!

    Jen :)

  3. Congrats to the winners and I hope your little one gets better soon!

  4. Congrats to all the winners! My Vickie, you've been very busy. So sorry to hear about little one. Hope she feels better soon.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'm thrilled to be one of the three! Thanks so much for offering the pincushions.


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