Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More puttering...

I have been working on this quilt for a couple of months. It may be hard to see the details but there are giant praire points, yo-yo's, ruffles ect. When I saw this quilt on an Australian blog I had to have it. So I ordered it from The Birdhouse. I love Lakehouse fabs and this just looked fun. It was challenging....the ruffles about did me in LOL. It is far from perfect but I still love it. This is on my design's not my usual style. My DD1 loves it. She loves the colors. This is from the 5 and dime pattern. I am not sure I will even like this when it's done...we'll see LOL.

Also, there is another WAY cool giveaway here. There are 2 ways to win...and awesome prizes~~~

My favorite sponsor is Sublime Stitching for sure.


  1. Love the quilt, really cute! I think the 2nd quilt is definitely a daughter quilt! She'll love it.

  2. Very nice quilts. I need a design wall... where would I put it?! But I know I need one!

    Jen :)

  3. I love the quilts! The pink one is so sweet but the colors in the second quilt are wonderful!

  4. Wow that first quilt is so pretty! You have done a great job on it.


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