Monday, September 03, 2012

wiped out...

 yeah I am wiped out...

We've been canning up a storm here.
I believe we getting near the end of the tomato mountains.
Now there are only 5-6 pounds a day ripening, a more manageable speed!
So far we have done:
• diced tomatoes
• tomato sauce
• pasta sauce
• ketchup
• pizza sauce
• pickled peppers
• pickled pear tomatoes
• grape jelly
• raspberry jam
• peach jam
• mixed berry jam
• champange blush jelly { a total flop :( }

We have had a bumper crop of yellow pear tomatoes.
With a new recipe in hand we decided to pickle some.
It turned out awesome.
They are a tad sweet, mega sour and a perfect appetizer size.

By the way, if you didn't know
the 40 minute process times for tomatoes can be dangerous/expensive.
 I ended up spending time on my I-pad surfing etsy, ebay and various onlin/e fabric stores.

Chicopee by Denyse Schmidt found a home in my sewing space....

and a little Birds and Bees by Tula Pink.
I haven't started any projects yet, as it has to age appropriately.

In the mean time, I can be found canning tomatoes...
in fact, I am about to start processing another batch this morning.
Have a Great Labor Day!

p.s. oh don't worry, I have been sewing too....


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I love the taste of home made but patience to learn to can isn't in the cards for me. Yum

  2. HA! Love the comment re: fabric has to age! Hubby is doing tomatoes here today too... hopefully I can stay out of the way downstairs and get some sewing done!

  3. Maybe I should be glad that our cool summer did not produce the bumper crop of past years!!!! I feel your exhaustion, but it will be great for this winter.

  4. So jealous! We're still waiting for our tomatoes to ripen so we can can sauce!

  5. How big is your garden?? I am so jealous. One day I will have to do this.

  6. This was the year for gardening, everyone's gardens produced tons of food. Glad to see your still canning too.

  7. WOW! You have been beyond busy! All that hard work will pay off when you are enjoying your veggies all winter!

  8. I am sure you are beat, but what a bounty you have for winter! Congrats!

  9. Hi Vicki,

    I was wondering - do you re-use your canning jars each year??



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