Monday, July 16, 2012

Our garden....

there is a draught.

so I water nearly every evening.

we actually have more than this.
There are about 40 tomato plants, 15 peppers, a couple of eggplants, and 4 butternut squash.
There's a funny story behind the tomato plants.
When we were planting the boxes there were some plants already sprouted.
I thought for sure that they were marigolds from last year that had re-seeded.
They looked like little marigolds.
A week later, my father in law was visiting and he commented,
"I don't think those are marigolds, look like tomato plants to me".
Well after about 3 more weeks the marigolds still didn't have flowers,
and they were getting awfully BIG.
I quickly realized that they were tomatoes.
The problem is, that we planted about 20 tomatoes before we new the heirlooms had re-seeded!
Yeah so we about 40 now.
We had to move some to pots, and lost a couple as well but still there are at least 40.
Looks like I better learn how to can this year.
And quick!


  1. Too funny, have fun with all those yummy tomatoes!

  2. Lucky you! More tomatoes! We picked our first handful of sweet 100's the other day and they were deeeelicious! Can't wait for the big ones to get ripe!


  3. You're going to have tons of tomatoes. I always have tomato plants that reseed themselves. Can't wait till mine ripen. The grape tomatoes are starting to turn red, should be eating them later in the week!! Have a wonderful week Vickie!!

  4. I see lots of tomato sauce in your future! I can't keep anything alive but weeds. A garden is way over my head! LOL!

  5. I always say you can't have too many tomato plants...well maybe you can. Have fun and enjoy every juicy bit, they won't be around long!


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