Friday, May 25, 2012

picture intense...more quilt market

Before I begin,
.I have seen only a few posts on market
I hope this isn't over kill...
I just have a batch of pictures that I didn't post the first time.

I took all of these with my i-phone...some are
not that great...
but I think you still get a peak at what I saw.
Like Winterkist by Happy Zombie.
Her quilt was super cute at the Lecien booth.

And how about the Kona display?
I took the picture to remember it...I am thinking I NEED some of these prints.
One booth that rocked my socks off was
Ruby Star
So vintage and so.... cool
Here's one more look at that couch!
In the Moda pit,
there were some very cool booths.
Zen Chic
Juggling Summer
it was neat.
Wish I had gotten a bundle at sample spree but I couldn't find it.
I heard it was there...just wasn't in the cards for me.

one of my faves as you know.
I DID score a bundle of Mama Said Sew
I mean it's Scarlett and grey....
how could I NOT??
(um I'm in Buckeye country here)
And Lauren and Jesse...
booth winners.
Again I didn't score this either.
Cuzco.... by
Kate Spain.
Quilt was gorgeous.
nope I didn't get that one either.
sample spree was vicious!
And this is Sandy Gervais little project to go with her
2 1/2" "candy".
It was my favorite project.
My picture does it no justice.
I just love it and I love Sandy and her Minnesota accent.

These are Moda candy.
I scored BIG time.
22 BIG ones.

I should have taken a million more pictures.
I caught up with some fabric friends.
Friends that I can't thank enough for helping me in all
my quilting endeavors.


  1. What is the pattern for the Cuzco fabric?

  2. wow! you did score on the moda candy! i lucked out at spree...and got some lauren & jessi fabric...LOVE IT!

  3. You can't show me enough pictures of market I just love seeing them. Those moda candy look really interesting and maybe time saving? The fabrics are just candy and I am looking forward to them.

  4. Fun fun!! Love all the Moda candy you scored!

  5. I never grow tired of seeing that market pictures. So awesome that you got all those charms and Mama Said Sew. I'm looking forward to getting some of that fabric.

  6. That Mama Said Sew will be SO FUN to use. And by the by....we don't have accents here in Minnesota ;).

  7. Had an awesome time with you! Can't wait until next time.

  8. Thank you for sharing your quilt market with us & way to score with the charms :)

  9. I love all your pictures Vickie! Since I didn't get to go I'm still living it through everyone else!


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