Saturday, December 10, 2011


Last weekend we traveled to Iowa to visit my family.
It was the "first" Christmas gathering of 2011.
We will have Christmas with just the kids on the 25th.
The trip to Iowa was really 2 fold, Christmas and my mom's 60th surprise birthday party.
It was a HUGE surprise for her.
All of my sisters participated and my brother as well.
It took a great deal of planning and organizing but somehow we pulled it off.
My mom was a tough cookie though as she refused to come into the party hall. 
She was told it was a party for my dad's friend...but it was really for her.
It worked like a charm.
Overall it was a great weekend.
Now I am trying to play catch up.
I don't really want to leave my recliner.
I did pick up the mail yesterday and there was my copy of Vignette Issue #5.

It's packed full of eye candy.
There is a bag pattern in this bag that I want to try.
Perhaps for gifts for my staff? not sure yet...
 but my time IS running out.

Part of our Christmas in Iowa is that all the adult kids buy a gift for one another.
My sister Marie got my name and she went on amazon and found 2 of my top rated books.
Quilting from the Little Things and Sew to Swap.

Awesome books.
I was able to leaf threw them on the 9 hour drive home.
This weekend I 'hope' to accomplish something but I'll tell you...I just want to rest.


  1. Then rest. Other stuff will wait, but not your health.

  2. Glad you had a nice getaway! Happy birthday to your Mom!!!

    Take care of yourself and get more than adequate rest!

    Hugs, Karen

  3. I hear you about just wanting to rest. There is so much I want to do, but i'm pretty burnt out these days, and now that I have some free time, I can't seem to get off my behind and off the iPad. I guess we need the rest, right?

  4. Both of those books look great, Vickie. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Get some rest now...


  5. Sounds like a great party for your Mom. So glad everything went as planned. Hope you can squeeze in some time for some rest.

  6. Rest up and give your staff IOUs. They will understand.

  7. Catch up on your rest, enjoy the books and give your staff gift cards :)


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