Saturday, November 26, 2011

Creating desire fullfilled

I have been longing to make some doll clothes for my girls' dolls.
They have several dolls but it seems that the LaLaloopsy's are the favorite plus my Grace loves American Girl.
I just finished a messenger bag for her A.G. doll.

I have shown several of the A.G. outfits I have made over the last year....
but now I am creating Lalaloopsy sized clothes.

I drafted several patterns for the 13" Lalaloopsy from scratch to make an A-line skirt, jumper, pants, t-shirt and I hope to make a hat soon too.
 I just basically measured the doll arms, legs, waist, neck etc and kind of drew them based on how I have sewn other patterns.
I didn't copy patterns. They are basic but super fun.
I have loads of ideas for embellishing the clothes too.
Wish I could stand long enough to cut more out....
 Once I am feeling better then I may make pdf's of the clothes.
You'll be the first to know when they are done.


  1. I'd be greatful if you did. My niece has one and would love some new outfits.

  2. Very cute! I'm sure they will love dressing their dolls too.

  3. Lalaloopsy is a favorite over here too. Amelia is just getting into the AG dolls. Shhh! She's getting one from Santa.


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