Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Stash

Last Saturday I had the privilege to visit Sew to Speak in Columbus. This was my first visit. I stopped after we finished our sew in at Beth's house.
 It is a fantastic little fabric boutique. They have a bit of every fabric company, Kokka, Michael Miller, Moda, Free Spirit, Andover, Cloud 9 and so forth.
It was pretty cool...wait I think I said that already.
Here's the goods from my trip.  I tried to focused on Ruby Star Rising prints and Japanese fabrics. Fabrics that are hard to find at my local quilt shops.
I am not sure what I will make with them...they are just for my stash :)
We are still working on painting our guest room. It's a bright blue and covering that up is proving difficult. We have had to use a primer AND 2 coats of paint (ok my husband is actually painting).  It will be worth it in the end.


  1. Vickie, I think that bottom fabric with the women deserves a closer look or at least a link to where I can see it better. It looks very interesting.

  2. That safety pin fabric is adorable!

  3. I'm from the Columbus area too! I love Sew to speak! I especially love the clearance fabrics in the chest. What a great deal on those!


  4. Hi MS Vicki, what cute and different fabrics these are. I will watch to see what you make with these. cool as you said.

  5. Wow Vicki - I think I have all of those fabrics in my stash - time for me to stop buying! They are all beautiful!

  6. Very interesting fabrics! Don't you just love find a new fabric store? Have fun with them.

  7. Hoping we can get together to sew again soon!

  8. Great fabrics & good shopping!

  9. I love that women fabric...where did you get it?


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