Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Finishes and a new beginning

2010 has really been a year of starts and finishes for me. I don't want this to come off as bragging in any way. My blog is my journal and record of my projects and tutorials. I was looking back at the end of 2009 projects and I made about 55 projects.
This year I exceeded my own expectations of what I could accomplish with 10 minutes here or 15 minutes there.
I decided to make a mosaic of my projects. When I realized that it was over 70 items, I decided to split the mosiacs.

1. hello yello, 2. applecore tute, 3. ikea pics, 4. bag, 5. littlest pet shop blythe skirt, 6. Holly days pillow, 7. XL hot pad, 8. 9 patch pincushion, 9. Nifty Notes in Neptune, 10. SImple Abunance Verna, 11. Purse uptown fabric, 12. Simple Abundance Origins , 13. Spooky Spun Sugar Little Quilt, 14. punkin days pillow, 15. scary days pillow, 16. H towel00, 17. 31, 18. Halloween Stitchery pillow, 19. Fall stitchery pillow, 20. patriotic handtowel, 21. 4thplacemat12 copy, 22. Easy Flag, 23. candy corn pincushion, 24. Giant Pincushion complete, 25. 1930s giant pinwheel quilt, 26. tumbler quilt, 27. Hexagon quilt a long pillow, 28. QMMSunshine hexagon runner, 29. WhimsyKite, 30. voile scarf, 31. voile scarf, 32. Fresh Moda Skinny runner, 33. january simple stitchery, 34. February simple stitchery, 35. March Simple Stitchery, 36. April Simple Stitchery

When I count the actual finishes for the year, including the handmade gifts of scarves, bound quilts, secret projects that will be revealed next year, pincushions and tutorials....I made 94!!!

Now I highly doubt that I will exceed 94 projects 2011. I suppose you could say that I have a head start with the unfinished projects laying around. They won't be counted until they are bound or completely sewn.
I am going to try to make a serious effort toward 94 ...but realistically...maybe 50 projects?? we shall see.


  1. You have had a busy year! Thanks for showing all your work....its beautiful!

  2. I am doing the same, using my blog as a journal. I think it is great you are so productive and for me sometimes the blog gives me that extra nudge to get it done! Happy New Year.

  3. Wow, that is something to be really proud of!!

  4. Vickie, these are amazing projects! All of your finishes inspire me (I have lots of UFOs).

    Best wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  5. Amazing year! The last year was a season of creativity for you. Love your mosiac... I need to figure out how to do those :)

  6. That is simply AWESOME! I was thinking of making a list of everyone I would like to make a Christmas and birthday gift for.. and working on that. They don't have to be HUGE gifties, but atleast that would be a start. I still have my huge quilt I would like to make (now I'm not machine quilting just hand stitching) and crocheting etc. but I still have to come up with ideas.. it will be an exciting year! I don't think I will NEAR your list of completion though :)

  7. That is quite productive!! I think it is a great idea that you have kept a journal of all of them.


  9. WOW! I am seriously impressed. You give me hope that I can get busy this next year and get to some projects that I have in mind. Also, that every project doesn't need to be a queen size bed quilt! Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. OH, my! I am duly impressed! And all so lovely, too!

  11. wow! If I get 10 done I will be happy, can't imagine 94. We will have to see how many I do get done.

  12. Wife, mother, dentist, homemaker and a quilter, crafter, knitter??? Seriously .... do you sleep? Beautiful work and I hope to clue into some of your energy one of these days :) Happiest of new year wishes!

  13. Busy bee! Hope you make a lot in 2011! If you'd like to join to 2011 crafty resolutions link up, you can post this link at Hope to see you there :)

  14. Wow, you sure are a busy one. Now that you have outdone yourself, I am confident you will beat your number of finished projects in 2011! Can't wait for the "Be Mine Blog Tour" to start so I can begin my own list of completed projects. Thanks for putting the blog hop together!

  15. Wow how impressive. I am sure that you could make that many if not more. WONDERFUL!!

  16. Wow, Vickie - I think this makes you the queen of finishes!!! I love seeing your montages.......

  17. You have a lot of neat finishes, no bragging! That is a great amount, and here's hoping you can match it and more in 2011. :-}pokey

  18. OH WOW!!!! You are making me look bad. love it all Pat

  19. Vicki,

    You have certainly had a busy year, but one with many great accomplishments. And many amazing contributions to our wonderful world of quilting. You've made a difference and inspired many,and inspired me in so many ways. Thank you.


  20. Good for you!!! That is awesome! I'm a new follower, but I think I'll do the same thing for 2011. I have no idea how many projects I finished in 2010, but I know it was a good number :) Take care!

  21. Love your projects and your talents Vickie. Thank you for sharing throughout the year. Happy New Year!!

  22. That, is a major achievement.
    Gosh, if you had set out to do that many projects at the start, you would have thought that there was no way you could do that many.,




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