Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Catching up on Wednesday

The comments are now CLOSED for the 600th post giveaway.
 I thought I would be able to announce winners today but I have to finish reading comments.
Never fear I will be announcing winners soon !!!

And since a post couldn't ever be without a picture......
 I spent last weekend working on WIPs. 
I have so many WIPs that I really don't know how many I have. 
I just really want to get a grip on them.
This quilt made with a Creative Grids 60 degree ruler and "Darla" by Tanya Whelan. 
I am slowly stitching several quilts..wish I could focus on just one but lately I am jumping around a lot.
 Ever have weeks or months like that?
 I am pretty much into the "months" of jumping projects.
Eventually I will get a grip LOL.


  1. I totally know what you mean about having lots of WIP's - I have probably a dozen, and I don't think I could focus on just one or two!!!

  2. I am feelign burried under projects in the works. I made my way through a couple small tops that i quilted down but still need to do binding on. I think I will be working on WIP's for a few months before I start anythign new, except, of course collecting fabrics for projects once I break free of my piles

  3. Wonderful piece, love triangle designs.
    I am still catching up to mine too, but getting there a bit at a time.


  4. I am totally like that! If I am not working on several things, I am buying fabric for the "next" project before the one I just purchased for is even cut!
    This quilt looks so inviting! Great colors.

  5. You are not alone there, I am too scared to count how many I have! I have been trying to finish some up but get easily sidetracked!

  6. I have to give triangles a try again- had some trouble sewing them together- cut them on a Studio Cutter- it's not the patches, they are exact! Operator error ;) Sandy

  7. I don't count WIP's either, but it is fun to re-visit them. Happy stitchin'!

  8. Oh my can I relate!!! I think it would be scary to actually count how many project I have in process! I end up getting bored and have to do several at the same time.

  9. Every time I think I'll get a grip, I find myself making a new purchase in my favorite quilt store... thus... one or two more projects. :)

  10. Soory i missed your give away. i will tell you that my favorite material is 30's fabric. i am slowly collecting it.

  11. Wow Vickie! 600 posts. Darla is some of my favorite fabric ever.

  12. I hate it when I jump around like that.

    Your quilt looks great. Bet it was fun with that ruler.

  13. I'm right there too. I have so many things I'm working on. I keep telling myself that I'll stop and just do one at a time but that hasn't happened yet.

    Today for instance I wanted to get caught up on a quilt along I'm doing. Well then the mail came and my daughter's Halloween costume was in it. My son of course wants his costume NOW and I'm sewing his. It's 80% done so I had to put everything else aside and set up my machine for his costume. Hoping to get it done tomorrow so I can check it off my list of projects.

    I swear I wish I had more sewing machines. I have one quilt basted and ready but I'm dreading setting up my machine for it and then not being able to use it for anything else until it's quilted.

  14. When you get a grip, please let me know how you did it!! LOL!

  15. When you figure out how to get a grip Vickie, can you let us know? Love Verna.

  16. Oh! "Darla" looks so pretty in triangles! I love this line!

  17. I like "jumping around." I like to have 3-4 projects going so when I get tired of working on one, I have something else to work on. Also that way when one is finished I am able to move to another while I decide what new project to start. It's all good.

  18. Jump away girl! That is a classic symptom of Quilter's ADHD!

    Love that fabric also. Something about the RED (hmmmmm)

    XOXO always,

  19. This is so pretty though! LOVE IT.


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