Saturday, October 16, 2010

Catch all day

This post is a bit more personal post. If you don't feel like reading it I understand.
It's more for my extended family. 
 Here goes:
To my brother HaPpY BiRthdAY!! Uncle Buck....

Happy belated Birthday to my sister....and WHY the H**L wasn't I invited to Pizza Ranch? (inside joke)

Congrats to my sister she's now 14 weeks pregnant with her first baby....which means I am compiling a list of a million quilty baby things to make her...
 like a
binky holder
quilt(s) (doh! like 4!)
onsies personalized...literally 20 ways LOL
diaper bag
burp clothes
and on and on.
I want to make them ALL pink...and chances are she'll have boy which I know nothing about...
guess I better stick to yellow and green!
Do any of my readers have tutorials for baby items that you found particularly useful?
please pass me the link! thanks :)


  1. I have a baby gift to make soon too, so I going to do a tut on my favorite bibs and the other thing I made was a mattress pad for the playpen (like 6 layers of warm & natural) so it was a bit softer for travel sleeping. Have fun! (is she finding out what she is having?)

  2. Fun, fun fun! Karmen

  3. Happy birthday to everybody! I found a tute for a peanut shaped burp cloth. I'll have to find you the link and send it to you.

  4. Here's a post I just did on diaper changing stuff!

  5. Exciting times Vicki! Enjoy and celebrate.


  6. Like you I have to make a trillion and one things for a family new born. My favourite cousin's daughter has just announced she'a pregnant and has issued me with a list of things to make. Any links you could forward on will be gratefully received

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


    Here is a link to really cute, easy burp clothes.


♥ bring sunshine to my day with your comments ♥