Friday, July 09, 2010

Fresh Cut Tumbler Quilt

As I suggested yesterday I am running out of 'finishes' to show you. I thought I might get something done today...but I am having motivation issues. Maybe it's the rain? I love the cooler weather and the rain don't get me wrong...just dreary outside.

Anyhow, here's my Fresh Cut tumbler quilt. I have been slowly sewing this for about 2 years. I know 2 years! I have had many many other projects that seemed more fun or important.  This quilt was made with 3 inch strips that I cut from Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut fabric line in which I used an acrylic template to cut the shapes. I basically took the entire FQ stack and cut them into different sized strips and planned on making several projects. Well this is the only one I started and therefore finished.  Someday I will use the strips :)

So about that rain, my vegetable boxes are doing fantastic this year (we have 3), having rain means I don't have to water them.  I have already cut 4 or 5 broccoli heads plus several romaine lettuce heads and everything is looking like it will be bumper crops this year. woohoo.....

Also, I have had a few requests for a tutorial on the Giant Pincushion I made. 
I am thinking of doing a sew along. 
Week one is collecting supplies and preparing.
Week 2 preparing for sewing.
Week 3 sewing first 6 pointed star.
Week 4 sewing 2nd  6 pointed star.
Week 5 Assembly and finishing.
Any interest?? let me know...


  1. Love your tumbler quilt.

    I'm very interested in the pincushion sewalong! I need a new pincushion desperately.

  2. LOVE the tumbler quilt! Lucky you to have rain!

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    i am definitely interested in the pin cushion sew-a-long. I have been working on a fresh cut quilt for almost two years. It resembles a bow tie quilt. love the fabrics, but I am stuck trying to square up the blocks. Hopefully will finish it this year.... love your blog!

  4. I would love to do the pincushion as a sew-along! I was going to e-mail and beg for the tutorial because I think it would be wonderful for my young daughters. They have a tendency to lose pins AND the pincushions. However, it would be hard to lose an 8" diameter cushion!!

  5. Love the quilt and the vegie boxes...we have three also and they are doing great! I'd love to make one of your giant pin cushions along with you, so will be on the lookout for an announcement.


  6. Definitely interested in the sew along...I thought the pincushion was great.

  7. Ok, so I also have that tumbler template! I love how your quilt turned out, so I might just need to dig around and get my template out. (it has lots of dust on it!)

    We also got some rain...for 15 minutes, which was good because it cooled it down for 15 minutes.

    BTW-love the veggies.

  8. love the quilt and would love the quilt along for the pincushion. That would be awesome!

  9. Great quilt! I love the colors. And I would definitely join in on a quilt along for that lovely pincushion!!

  10. I love tumbler quilts! One of my ongoing projects is to use one of those acrylic templates you mention and cut scraps into tumbler shapes and back in the plastic box they go. Two years sounds reasonable to me to get enough for a throw sized quilt!

    The sewalong sounds fun! I'd be happy to join in.

  11. I would love to have you do a tutorial on the giant pincushion. That one is too cool and since I don't have even a non cool one, I would love to make it.

  12. I love your fresh cut tumbler quilt. Yummy colors and prints. I also love your raised garden. I'll follow even if you don't share "finished" quilts.


  13. Me gusta mucho como han quedado los trapecios.

  14. Your quilt is just beautiful!

  15. Definitely interested. :) I spent a bunch of time looking for cute pincushion patterns after your post.

  16. I'll join in the sewalong! Your garden looks great, and a tumbler quilt is SO on my to-do list.

  17. Te ha quedado una manta preciosa.besos

  18. Add me to the want to join in list.

  19. Lovely tumbler quilt :-)


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