Monday, June 07, 2010

Jelly Roll Quilt Along Progress

Block #7 Hurray!
I think now I will need to incorporate more of the light background to balance this block.

I finished it just in the nick of time....block 8 is suppose to be up today!
Getting excited for the finish. I really love that this block along is every 2 weeks.  Long enough for me to get the block done and short enough that I am not bored.


  1. Yes, I did my background in some of the other fabric because it was too much background. Yours looks fabulous.

  2. Your blocks look great...I also like the two week window...think it's perfect timing!

  3. What a fresh looking block! Crisp and clean and lovely!

  4. Pretty! block 8 already?! I'll have to go check it out.

  5. Cute block...mine also will "float" because of the white sashing I will have.

  6. it was too much background. Yours looks fabulous.
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