Sunday, May 02, 2010

this may shock you.

Those of you who 'really' know me, know that I don't like to do 'dirt' or mulch.
However, this year my hubby decided to have 5 yards of mulch delivered.
We spent hours and hours on Friday laying the new mulch.
We ran out, and now we have to buy a bit more.
I haven't done such back breaking work in a long time. I have a new appreciation for landscapers.
And I am sunburned. seriously.

On a prettier note.
I have some blooms....

Peonies almost blooming...

And a wretched excuse for a garden that I started from seed.
Really they aren't as bad as they look. I think with some more TLC they will perk up.
I think.
Come on go with me on this one.


  1. That is a lot of mulch. Can't wait tosee the peonies.

  2. That's a lot of TLC (and maybe water??) you're going to have to come up with fairly soon. LOL

  3. Very nice! I haven't gotten out in my garden yet. Only thing I have done so far is rake out all the fallen leaves. I have some things to plant. Maybe I'll get around to it this week.

  4. We did the mulch one year, you don't realize how fast, you use it up. I need to get out and work on plantings in my yard, but it is either too hot or raining.


  5. I can totally commiserate with you on the plants from seeds - I have managed to kill mine every year I try. I finally gave up and decided to just buy grown plants! Sorry about the sunburn....

  6. I have to say that your garden in the little pots looked like some I did a couple years ago!!!
    Looks good--all your work will bring pretty flowers!!
    hugs, Di

  7. We haven't done mulch in a couple of years and it sadly needs to be done soon. However, we usually need something more on the lines of 40 yards! It truly takes us a while to lay it all down. I can't believe your peonies are ready to bloom. Mine are just coming up! Looking forward to seeing your blooms.

  8. Five yards of mulch! Oh my aching back!
    Those plants your started....humm..


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