Sunday, April 25, 2010

handmade for the holidays.

There has been a strong movement in recent years for handmade gifts for the holidays..or really for any occasion.  I read blogs daily showing all the ways we can be environmentally friendly, restyle old clothing etc. It's amazing what creativity is begat by necessity. 
So what am I leading up to?
I have made it my goal for the last 2 years to make atleast 1 gift for each person in my family for the holidays.  I feel that handmade gifts are really a piece of you. They mean much more than a gift from the store.
So far I have made aprons and potato bags.
This year I want to make tablerunners.
 Seasonal tablerunners that is.
Summer (Fresh), Halloween (Chic or Treat), Christmas (12 days of Christmas), Valentine's Day (L'amour) and possibly more...
Have I bitten off more than I can chew?
Could be.

While I was in SC over spring break I visited 3 quilt shops. 
One of the shops had a special on Fresh by Deb Strain.
I grabbed a honeybun and red yardage.
Initially I wanted to make a version of "skinny Verna". 
Then I had a brain storm.
Why not piece ALL the honeybun strips together and sub cut them into the skinny runner strips?
So that is what I did.
I sewed them all together and sub cut them into 5.5 inch strips. Now I bet you are wondering why this looks like a quilt. Well considering the huge undertaking it will be to make roughly 8 runners in 4 to 5 seasons {40 tablerunners} ...I figured I better have my local machine quilter help me out.
So I cut the red sashing fabric double the width and pieced the strip with the sashing.
This way, my quilter will quilt this as one big quilt and I will again sub cut the quilted tablerunners and just put the binding on. My quilter only has to load the project once, instead of 7 times.
I will show how well my idea turns out once I get this piece back from the quilter.

Now, I could ask what your holiday plans are...
but most of you are still absorbing the fact that I am already started on Christmas.
I have to start Christmas preparation now especially with 40 tablerunners to bind.
Realistically, I hope to get 16 finished.
2 seasons.
I think that's do-able.


  1. Wow Vickie! That's an amazing idea to cut them after they're quilted. I'll bet your machine quilter loves you!!!

  2. Great idea! I may borrow that thought...know well how hard it is to accomplish big things with little ones about! Can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!

  3. It´s true creativity comes from necessity but it hits clever people only! Great idea, great job.

  4. Great idea. I usually try to be unique for every person, but this may be much more practical and doable.

  5. I started a Christmas wallhanging but other then that I have no idea.What a great idea to have one large sandwich quilted and then cut it into smaller units.

  6. Great idea and I'm so with you on the handmade gifts. That's what my Grandchildren have been bought up to value and it's so wonderful, one of them is very into recycling. I really should start on those christmas things myself.

  7. Very interesting Vickie! I'm anxious to see how these turn out!

  8. Wow, I wish we were related!! I think 16 is within reason. Who knows, it is only April, you may do the whole thing!!
    Great idea about quilting the large piece and sub-cutting!
    Did you really post at 6am on a weekend...bless your heart.

  9. Clever girl, you! I do my own quilting but this would be a great idea to steal...Thanks for sharing!

  10. That is such a great idea! Love it!!!!!! I guess I should finish up the projects I started as gifts last year for everyone before I start this though?!

    I searched the blog but couldn't find the link for applying to be in your family.. must of missed it.

  11. Wow what a great idea to do one large item and cut it apart! I'm starting some of my Christmas projects after 4th of July. I have a couple of groupings I want to see how many runners I can get out of them and will go from there!

  12. Great idea and there is nothing like a handmade gift.

  13. Ok, that is a great idea to have them quilted as one and then cut into smaller units! But I would not want to cut them after the quilting was done! Good thinking outside the box. Love those colors too.

  14. vickie-----you really do think outside the box! I never would have thought of making one big quilt to cut into smaller tablerunners. Next December, while all of us are out running around trying to find the perfect gift in crowded stores, you will happily be home sewing on Valentines gifts.Bettylou

  15. That is a VERY clever idea! Please let us know how it turns out.

  16. It's never too early to start - that's what I gave my Mom this past Christmas. I made 7 seasonal table runners. It's a cool gift that she can use all year. Way to go! Love the one pictured. Piece....

  17. You should pick a different seasonal fabric for the backing (like 4th of July behind the Summer, or Valentine's behind the Christmas). As long as the binding works for both, and the design of the back doesn't need to be perfectly centered (maybe just whole cloth?), it would be great - you'd have a reversible table runner, and get two seasons in one!


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