Saturday, April 03, 2010

Easter baskets done Vickie's way

I made these "baskets" using the tutorial on Pink Penguin's blog.
I used 2.5 inch squares of 1930's scraps that I had to make them bigger...then I had to refigure the lining. First round...I turned it the wrong direction...then I got it right!  I think they did turn out cute for 2 little girls waiting for the Easter bunny to fill them. 
the purple is for Elly...of course.
Pink for Grace (her fave)
Not much going on here. I met up with 2 great quilting friends and we shopped til we dropped yesterday. I sewed a small amount by hand. Maybe today we will sew?? not sure.
We did stop at a more local quilt store and he was having 30% off. We had fun with that.
I may or may not have bought some Anna Maria Horner Voile, Eden, a bella solid, American Jane, and Tula Pink Hushabye.
At 30% off who could resist??


  1. Great baskets - and at 30% off, you can't be expected to resist!

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I love making those baskets and Pink Penguin's tutorial is a keeper. I enlarged it (not on paper, just in my head) and make tote bags the same way. I don't have measurements exactly, I just use charm squares and make the lining the same size and guess at the bottom size. It worked just fine. And that's how my DGD Abby made her bag (which I showed on my blog).

    Your daughters are so darling, I read about their birthdays and saw their photos, so cute.

    Happy Easter to your family.

  3. Very nice Vickie! I made Pink Penguin's baskets for Easter two years ago. Big hit!

    Happy Easter!

  4. LOVE the Easter cute and I am sure they will hold a lot of goodies.

  5. Your blog is new to me...It's wonderful! Lovely, lovely, quilts.
    Although Easter is tomorrow, I think I'll go check out the tutorial and try my hand at making a basket. Thank you for the link.

    Happy Easter

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Can't wait to see what you do with the voile. That stuff is heavenly!

  7. Happy Easter. That sale would have made me happy too! Enjoy.

  8. Love those baskets! My Grace would have picked the pink one too!


  9. Cute, cute bags for their Easter goodies....and then they can put lots of their other "stuff" in later!

  10. They are so neat for Easter, what fun.

  11. Love those baskets my dear. Your quilts, etc. are beautiful Happy Easter, my friend.

  12. Great job...these baskets from Pink Penguin are on my list of things to do...thanks for reminding me!


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