Tuesday, March 02, 2010

it's that time....

How could boxes of these....
Make my dining room look like this?
My older daughter is a Girl Scout...she sold 87 boxes of cookies.
Last year she sold 24.
This is a record year for this area and this troop.
Wonder what the draw is?
I mean I like Girl Scout cookies....but why so many sold this year?
 Could the economy be on an upswing?
We can only hope.

On the sewing front, I have been preparing a few more patterns for Moda bakeshop
Here's my sneak peak ;)


  1. Mmmm... I can't wait to get the cookies I ordered! Looking forward to seeing your projects.

  2. I love GS cookies but I don't buy them anymore. They are just way too addicting!

  3. I already ate 3 boxes! Can't wait to see your Bake Shop projects! -Michelle

  4. I know - you're making 87 bags to hold the GS cookies ;)

  5. I hope someone makes it to my door with those cookie boxes!!!!

  6. I well remember the days my DD sold cookies. Unloading the truck into her leaders garage and then sorting out everyone's orders was always fun~ not really. ;-) LOL Her troop always had a 'the cookies are gone' party. LOL Can't wait to see what you are cooking up for Moda. :-)

  7. Those are my 2 favorite GS cookies! I could a whole box of each by myself...:0)

    Can't wait to see your latest project.

  8. Can't wait to see what you design next for Moda!

  9. I was a Girl Scout almost until I was married. That's how I met my husband, he was a Boy Scout. We always buy goobs of cookies, I remember selling them, only too well.

  10. Love it when you design for the bakeshop, you come up with some great ideas. We have girl guide cookies here but they haven't knocked on my door for years, I wonder if they still do them.

  11. I am gaining weight just thinking about what's in those boxes!!!

  12. Oh but aren't they just the best? Nothing matches the carmel delights..

  13. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Vickie is a teaser!! Cookies and just a tiny little MBS peek. sheesh! :)

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I have 18 boxes in my house, but not because I have a daughter who sold them...that's how many we PURCHASED. I always say I'm not going to do it b/c I swear I gain 5 lbs a year from Girl Scout cookies! But those darn Girl Scouts are so hard to resist :) My oldest son had a stomach ache last night and went to bed early - methinks it's because he ate all but 3 cookies from a whole box of Lemonades. Hmmm...
    I popped over because you showed up as a suggested blog on my Google Reader. Hope to see you again.
    PS You have beautiful daughters. Lucky you.

  15. I wish I was still a Girl Scout! I can't wait to see what you are baking up for Moda:)


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