Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's been a rough week.
 My husband was gone on a business trip and work plus the kids alone..took it's tole.
 I didn't sew much...actually I didn't sew at all.
Maybe this weekend?
maybe...but the main focus of the weekend is Elly...

Elly is 3.
Yep that's her in bed with her sponge cakes aka Moda jelly rolls.  I tried to convince her that it wasn't necessary to sleep with them but she wasn't having it.  So I brought in my camera to capture this moment. I don't want to forget how much fun she has with my fabric.
Notice Verna is there.
 She tends to carry Verna and Love is in the Air the most.  Notice the purple sheets?
Yeah she's 'in' to purple.
Of course we had a cake today. Princesses and purple are the current favorites. So we are on cake and purple overload.

Notice the purple dress? LOL the kid only wants things purple, except purple food. Come to think of it, she does like grape jelly!

She's 3.
apparently 3 = purple
hApPy BirThdAy Elly-roo...
We love you and your purple too!


  1. Your little Elly is gorgeous!! Enjoy every second of it as they grow up WAY too quickly!! Lucky YOU!

  2. So fun! Happy birthday to your cute daughter! What a smart girl to love jelly rolls!

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Happy Birthday wee Elly! Have fun with Mama's jelly rolls. :)

  4. Happy Birthday Miss Elly!!! Hope you enjoyed your purple cake!

  5. How adorable is Elly! My step daughter is a purple girl too and in her 20's she still hasn't out grown her love of the colour.

  6. Happy Birthday Elly...3 is magical! :)

  7. Happy Birthday! three My R is 3 1/2, I have pics of her sleeping with her pumpkin at halloween! I am glad your girl wears clothes, even if it is purple upon purple. We walked in teh door from mass tonight and before I had even put my purse away R was pantless! HAHAHAH!! just remember to laugh when you can, kiss her how ever often you can, and she will get older!!

  8. Happy 3rd birthday, Elly!! How cute! Yes treasure all those fabric loving, purple moments.

  9. Elly is a doll, tell her Happy Birthday and I think you are raising her great, loving those jelly rolls.

  10. Happy birthday Elly. My 18 month old is already in love with purple. She picks out purple clothes every day, and wants to wear her purple winter coat, even when it's 80 degrees out. So Elly is in good company!

  11. Happy birthday!! We've got a first birthday coming up in a couple of weeks... and mister 2.5 is already on the countdown to his third in September. He wants a Handy Manny party and a tool belt.

  12. happy birthday to elly! looks like she's got some good taste *wink, wink* (couldn't resist) Hope it was a great celebration!

  13. Elly is adorable! Getting her on the road to sewing....great, especially favorite, right now anyway!

  14. Happy Birthday adorable Elly!

  15. I missed this post. Happy Birthday Elly!


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