Saturday, February 06, 2010

Winter Wonderland and then some....

I am pretty sure the pictures speak for themselves.....
hope my tree makes it...

I am thinking this will be a good sewing day. My mom is here from Iowa {which didn't get snow btw} and she is coloring my hair....oh have to go....ready to rinse it off...


  1. I saw your photo and thought 'she must be from Ohio'. Because the view out my window looks the same. Poor trees. Stay warm!

  2. You got a nice bunch of snow in your area.
    Definitely a stay in day. We are getting little flakes that have drifted in from the ocean, but the storm missed us luckily.


  3. Stay in, stay warm and SEW! We didn't get any snow out of this storm. I'm pretty pleased about that. My machine is at the shop so I would not know what to do with myself if we were snowed in!

  4. Brrr looks chilly! A great day to sew! :-)

  5. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Indeed pretty pictures and perfect for sewing! Stay inside and keep near the toasty iron is what I say!

  6. The snow is so gorgeous! Have fun sewing (and getting your hair done)! Are you getting 30 inches like they are further east?

  7. Our views of our decks (I assume the last pic is your deck) could be identical. Funny that Linda said the same thing. We're all in Ohio. :) I did get some sewing done, but we also went to The Great Big Home and Garden Expo near Cleveland. It was a great day to go, since most people stayed in.

  8. Wow, that's a heck of a lot of snow! We get extremely excited about a few inches here!

  9. I love the snow and enjoyed our winters in New Jersey - but Big T says that was because I wasn't out shoveling it (and he's right). There is just something about being all snuggly and warm in the quietness of a new snowfall.


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