Sunday, February 21, 2010

Get Crackin'

 I have found some giveaways in which I am going to spread the word because I really love it when other bloggers spread the word about my giveaways. The problem is, is that I find myself inclined to purchase from the bloggers and websites LOL. I know that's the point....and darn it there are such creative people out there.
So without further ado...
Check out jandi her blog, Jandi in Stitches, it  has just moved to blogger ... As her prize she's got MODA.
 ack! I said Moda...and I know I can ALWAYS use more Moda fabric. A Hunky Dory charm pack and a petit four ....awesome stuff.
The next place I ended up this morning was Twin StitchersKari from Ucreate did a little blog about these gals and their uber cute stitcheries. I - want - them - ALL. seriously.  But for today I am entering their giveaway for a few of their patterns and they have a SUPER duper cute freebie stitchery for Easter -- Get Crackin'. It should be my motto this week...I NEED to get crackin' on a BUNCH of projects.

And Bev's blog Burgandy Buttons is hosting a giveaway..she sells pre-cuts on her website at 25% off everyday...oh gosh the tempations.  I totally  ♥ Moda as you know and I just never feel like I have enough.

 And finally I stumbled onto another new blog A Little Bit Biased. This gal's got talent and Amber's designed 3 new quilt patterns. I know how tough it is to write quilt patterns.  My favorite is Mod Medallions. Amber is giving away 3 of her patterns as well! Head on over and leave her a comment!

SO now I am all reved up and inspired..I want to buy tons of fabric and didn't I just splurge on cotton linen and Plume? I have to maintain control here.  I haven't even started to talk about etsy. yes etsy....
I found some sellers and items on etsy I just couldn't live without.  If I can get real organized today I will post that for tomorrow!


  1. Thanks for all that. I too like the Twin Stitchers. I bought one of their patterns to make for my husband for our anniversary. I mean, what else do you give someone who has EVERYTHING already?!

  2. Great way to start the day. Thanks!


  3. Thanks for pointing me to all those great blogs.

  4. Thanks for the sites! I love Moda too. ;)

  5. Thanks for passing out the compliments. I too did a variation on your Skinny Vera Runner. I enjoy following you!

  6. Thanks for blogging about my giveaway. Now I have to go check out the others!

  7. Vickie, thanks for posting about my giveaway and telling ME about some new ones that I'll have to go check out! That Plume line is so fun! I just made a quilt out of it that should be quilted this week and then up to the Moda Bakeshop (my first time!) Good luck with all of your projects. All of those precuts in the post below looked really scrumptious!


♥ bring sunshine to my day with your comments ♥