Monday, December 14, 2009

Steamy Windows

This is the quilt I have been working on in between projects. I used Moda's Basic  Grey 1974 jelly roll and some border fabric. It's the pattern Steamy Windows in Gudrun's new book Strip On! It was quick and easy to piece and as it happens I have started another version of this quilt in different fabrics!


  1. 1974 is one of my all time favorite fabrics!
    Love that quilt!

  2. Your quilt is awesome! I'll have to check out that fabric line. I'm tellin ya, so much fabric so little time.

  3. That is a great pattern to use up scraps with.
    It has a nice old look to it.


  4. 1974, that was a great year!! I remember my teacher and my classmates. Fun times. Okay, I am off track, the fabric is wonderful and the quilt is really sweet!

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Cool quilt! Fun and funky!!

  6. Cool quilt~ I love the scrapiness~ and it does kind of remind me of steamy windows! LOL

  7. Mmmmmm Urban Chicks 1974! Looks great! I have made 2 quilts using that fabric line- it really is a great one! Love the way this is turning out!


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