Friday, December 04, 2009

One Pack Doll Quilt Challenge winner

There were 9 entries for the One Pack Doll Quilt Challenge.  They can be seen on flickr group One Pack Doll Quilt
I numbered each entry and used a random number generator.

The winner is
Mary on Lake Pulaski....
Mary, I will email to get your information. Thank you to all who participated. You are all winners for trying a new technique and you have your lovely quilts too!


  1. Congrats to Mary! They are all wonderful!

  2. Oh wow - thanks Vickie! I am so happy to have won this challenge and learn how to paper piece hexagons too!

  3. Congrats to Mary... they were all cute!

  4. Congratulations to Mary! I love all of them, great job ladies!

  5. Congratulations to Mary and thank you Vickie for doing this for us. Happy Holidays

  6. Congratulations Mary!! And to everyone else who made one. They are all very cute.


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