Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Wednesday already?

Where did the time go?

I finished 3 more quilt bindings on the way home from SC! I can't believe how much I accomplished on that trip.  That helps my 2009 total projects completed to reach 55 so far. I still have 27 hours to go LOL!
Today was a tough (read = busy) day at work. I have been up since 4:45am and desperately want to sleep but my kids don't.  They are living the life of Riley right now with school being on a break.
I just hope to be able to sleep in maybe 15-20 minutes tomorrow. I DO have the day off...I am sooooo hoping to get som serious sewing in...and drop off another quilt to my local machine quilter. Right now I am his only customer with quilts waiting to be quilted. Works well for me, but not for him! I am going to try to finish up some WIPs to take to him to "keep him busy"....yeah that's what I tell myself to avoid ANY sort of guilt about not quilting my own.


  1. Way to go! 55 completed projects! You GO GIRL!!!! :-)

  2. 55... that is a ton!! Good luck on getting more done, but sleep is important too. Happy New Year Vickie!

  3. WOW prolific you be lol.
    I like your excuse, stimulating the economy and all that ;)

  4. You're a giver that's what you should tell yourself when you hand over another quilt to your favorite quilter. No need to feel guilty, especially seeing as 55 projects completed this year. I bow to your sewing foot!

  5. You go GIRL! Here's to 2010!

  6. Love your quilts, Vickie! I hope you can keep your quilter busy, busy, busy!

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    you go, gurl! you are a lean mean quilting machine....

  8. You are so right to support local services!!!! Happy New Year

  9. wow you are amazing, with so many finished projects. Congrats!

  10. 55??? I wish I could be half as productive! Great job! And here's to an equally amazing 2010!

  11. I love all three of those! Too cute!

  12. Look at those beauties! I'd be proud, too.

  13. How do you get that many quilts finished? 55!?

    I think I may've finished 4 small ones...maybe.

  14. Lovely quilts !
    The very best for the new year for you and your family!


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