Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love my sampler box

I was extremely fortunate to score one of these at Quilt market. A Moda Bakeshop Sampler.

Sampler Boxes can already be found at the Fat Quarter Shop.

I decided it would be fun to make a quilt with each packet of fabric to showcase the fabric and sort of pay tribute to my first quilt market experience. I am determined to make 12 little quilts...

My first finish is a small tumbler made with Garden Party by Blackbird Designs it measures 10 inches X 12 inches .

I have 3 others started. One project has been cut and thus put on hold until I can look at it again. The other 2 I have started, use Sandy Gervais new line and Lila Tueller's Eden. There are 12 total and as I said before...not sure I can actually do this with all the other commitments I have...we'll see.


  1. What a great idea, Vickie. I ordered mine and it's on its way. I didn't know if I wanted to leave it as is or actually DO something with it. 12 mini quilts is a great idea. I like that tumbler quilt too. I've never made one before.

  2. oh I think that would be a fun challenge to make a little quilt using each little pile in the sampler box
    I love tumblers so this one really appeals to me!

  3. Great idea and just too darn cute!

  4. Oh, it's so cute! I've really been admiring "miniature" quilts lately, and this one is just too cute! Great idea!

  5. That's such a cool idea! Love the little tumbler quilt.

  6. Cute idea Vickie...I've ordered one from FQS and have been trying to decide on some fun projects to make with my sampler squares!

  7. Hi, really like your blog, you make lovely quilts.

  8. Lovely, and what a great idea to showcase the facric!
    I am positively drooling over those adorable boxes, I must have one now! :-)

  9. Vickie what a great idea.

  10. That is some project to use all 12! I could never dream of getting that much done or adding that many projects to my plate! I hope you complete them so I can just enjoy seeing what you create!

  11. That's a great use of the fabrics and good for you using them so soon. I love the tumbler quilt a lot, it goes well with Annie.

  12. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I'll have to watch your blog closely...sounds like a fun "little" challenge!

  13. What a fun idea, Vickie.

  14. Great idea! Creative and meaningful.

  15. I recently made a two-sided tumbler tabletopoper (or TTTT) for Halloween/Fall. I am officially in love with tumblers of all sizes and this doll quilt is adorable! My scraps are now going to be totally tumbler...


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