Monday, November 30, 2009

I know it's Christmas time but...

I have been feeling very springy lately. I used scraps from my Verna jelly roll cut them in half so that they were 1.25 inches X 5.5 inches and tied them like Rachel's tute onto a 12 inch wreath frame. I REALLY love Verna...
****Note**** MY Estimated yardage for anyone interested...
12 inch wreath uses 300 - 1.25 inch strips X 5.5 inches {total 1 yard and 14inches}
14 inch wreath uses 360 - 1.5 inch strips X 5.5 inches {total 1 yard and 24 inches,roughly a Moda honey bun}
these are estimates since I did the 12 inch with scraps.

Now I have a goal to do one in Christmas fabrics BEFORE Christmas if that's possible. Thanks for stopping by!

p.s. TODAY is the deadline for the One Pack Doll Quilt Challenge Giveaway.  So far there are 7 entries. Don't your project on Flickr for an entry to win 2 Moda jelly rolls of your choice from the Fat Quarter Shop


  1. Very nice, Vickie! Very Springy indeed. Now get to work on that Christmas one! LOL.

  2. Oooohhhh....Christmas fabrics would look great in it.

    Love how different all the one patch quilts look. It was a good hand sewing project for all.

  3. I was thinking of doing a scrap wreath. Do you have an estimate on how much you used? Not sure if I have any good green homespun, was thinking I could buy some from Jo anns for that type of project.


  4. Very cute! I'm looking fwd to your Christmas one too.

  5. Love it! Jealous...but I love it...a Verna wreath!!!!!

  6. I know I feel springy because the weather is more spring then what should be winter.

  7. HI I want to thank you for listing "Template Momma" I finally found the snow for my site that I had been looking all over for!!!
    and I love your wreaths you are making--in fact they look good enough to be gifts--am I on your Christmas list????
    Hugs, Di

  8. I made one of these on Thanksgiving day. It was fun to make.


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