Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A sneak....part 3

And another...I know how many?? well there will be 5!! now you know why it is killing me NOT to show you...that yes I HAVE been sewing here...
Now let's see how many inches of binding....

#1-68 inches

#2-200 inches

#3-162 inches

#4-200 inches

#5- 124 inches
PLUS...... 110 yo-yo's....
I'm Whipped....


  1. Looking forward to seeing all the goodies! What booth will you be in at Houston? Moda's?

  2. Hmmmm.... That one looks familiar too! Only 1 more sleep!

  3. Ohh...I love the suspense!....Tick...Tock....waiting for part 4 & 5....:)

  4. Goodness! Have you been sewing day and night?? Getting ANY sleep??

    Love the sneak peeks! Enjoy market.

  5. I'm excited to see the reveals!! The quilting on the green in this post is beautiful. Have fun at market & festival!

  6. Have a great time, can't wait to hear more. Cheering and clapping for your marathon finishes.

  7. i can't believe you went back & counted the inches... & you thought i was crazy!! ... seeing yours just makes me realize how big the things are that i made!!

  8. How fun...have a great time.


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