Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Edyta's Triangle Exchange....Fall Market 2009

One of the best school house classes I took was Edyta's Triangle Exchange. Edyta Sitar is the designer of Laundry Basket Fabrics. She is a wonderful, talented gal. This first pic is of all the Moda fabric designers that participated in Edyta's triangle exchange. They made a certain number of half square triangles using Edyta's triangle paper. Her new book explains how the whole exchange works. Carla from Sweetwater, Deb Strain, Jan Patek of Brannon & Patek fame, Laurie Simpson of Minick & Simpson, Mary and Barb of Me and My Sister. There were a few more designers not pictured such as Sandy Gervais, Sandy Klop, Lynn Hagmeier and Joanna Figueroa. Still it was an amazing school house. Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles

Sandy Gervais triangle quilt.....

Sweetwater's triangle quilt.....

Sandy Klop's quilt...and I LOVE the orange she used...made my heart sing.

Deb Strain's quilt with the help of Debbie Outlaw....

Jan Patek's quilt.....

Laurie's quilt of Minick & Simpson

Me and My Sister's quilt..using all those 'mudds' as they call them.

And of course Edyta's quilt....

I am hoping to organize my own online Triangle Exchange using Edyta's idea and her new book "Friendship Triangles".

Thanks for stopping by...let me know if you are interested in a triangle exchange!!!


  1. love the photos of all the quilts... I would love to find out about the triangle paper.

  2. what a beautiful show.

  3. I think a triangle exchange would be a lot of fun!

  4. Fun! Count me in when you decide to organise it! I would love to participate.

  5. What a great peek inside a schoolhouse, Vickie! WOW... what a great schoolhouse - thanks for the show n tell!

  6. Wow! Those are all such beautiful quilt, and so different from each other. The triangle exchange sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.

  7. Sounds fabulous -- I'm interested! Those quilts are gorgeous!

  8. Wonderful photos - I think a triagle exchange would be great!

  9. That wasn't one of the schoolhouses that I went to, now I wish I did. That sounds like boat loads of fun. Their quilts are fantastic. If you start the exchange after the holidays, I think I would be in. By the way, I am so glad that I finally got to meet you. Definitely a highlight of market for me.

  10. The quilts are great and the ideas are wonderful I took part in an exchange like that once but with triangles we swapped. Then we all had to make a quilt out of them.


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