Sunday, October 04, 2009


I took a sewing break and decorated a bit for Halloween. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday by far. I think it's because my birthday is in October and I always had costume parties growing up.

This picture shows the newest additions to my Halloween decor....Bitter Betty, Boo and Woo..

They were made by the wonderful and talented Nicole Ellison of Raggedy Old Annies. She just updated her site yesterday and she has several super cute Annies available (I get no kick backs for saying this!)

Now off to quilt some more...oh and I have some sneaky peekies for you this week...I really can't wait to show you everything I have been working on...It's been killing me to keep them a secret.


  1. Love your Halloween vingette! Looking forward to seeing what you can show us this week!!!

  2. Nice to take some time out to do something for the house. Only 4 more sleeps!

  3. Those are precious little dolls!

  4. Love your dolls Vickie! :)

  5. Very cute raggedys Vickie -- you're way ahead of me on the decorating front!


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