Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

I whipped out my Nikon last night and snapped a few pictures....the sky... Our lone Lily...I need to plant more Lillies....

One of my broccoli plants...growing very well this year.

And the Hot Air in Ashland we have the Balloonfest

every year. I finally have a camera that will capture their beauty.

Here they are taking off....

I took this from about a mile away....

So we'll spend the 4th home and enjoying what our small town has to offer.

I may even swing over to the local quilt show today.
Happy 4th of July!


  1.'re in Ashland? I live just outside of Wooster! We're neighbors! In fact the kids and I were planning to come to Ashland this morning to watch the balloons fly but I have a stomach bug. We're hoping to get over there for tomorrow morning's flight! Happy Fourth! :0)

  2. What a fantastic thing to watch the balloons. I wish I could grow broccoli like that, you must have a green thumb.

  3. I love that balloon, it looks like a patchwork quilt! I was just reading a website last night about seeds and when to plant to get a good broccoli harvest. I'm jealous, I love broccoli! Great pictures.



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