Friday, June 12, 2009

Vacation sort of

Here's the super awesome prize I won from Calamity Jane's Cottage! I have been going to post this for almost a week. I can't be held responsible for my actions....I'm telling you it's Ranger and Joe Morelli (S. Plum series). Ok back to the prize...she sent me a very cool purse, fabric and a load of Romantic Homes Magazines. I LOVE the magazines, full of ideas about decor and color. I am savoring them.
At this point we are in South Carolina. I tried to email my friend to let her know (she lives here) anyhow, I don't know if she got the message or I typed the wrong address. I have to call her. Here's the problem, I'm lazy...yep it's true. It's 92 degrees here...humidity horrible...and I just don't want to leave the house...and the bed and couch are soooo comfortable here. Truthfully it's so hot (for us) that both my girls stayed outside with bubbles for 5 minutes and retreated back in due to the heat. I had a mind to do some sewing..and got lazy again. So I am trying to slap some sense into myself and get stitching...when I do, you'll be the first to know.


  1. What fun stuff--thanks for sharing! Hope your vacation can be a bit more relaxing!

  2. Hope you are having a agreat time and are able to get a visit in with M. Looking forward to our time together next Saturday!!!

  3. Hope you are having a good time. Being a native from Charleston, SC, I can tell you that I probably don't leave the house until October. lol! Have a great vacation!

  4. Have a wonderful vacation! Hope you get some sewing in!

  5. sounds like you are enjoying your time away.

  6. Glad you are having a good time. When will you be home?


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