Tuesday, May 05, 2009

terrific tuesday!

Recently, my wedding ring made a trip to my local jeweler. Originally, my ring was the engagement/diamond part and then the back band was the 'wedding' band. My husband always said that I could have my other half of my ring customized at our 10 year anniversary. This July is 10 years for us. The 'front' band was added and small diamonds on the side. There are purple amethysts in the original engagement band. My husband designed this himself. The amethysts are because my favorite color was purple. It need to be wearable while I work too. Thus far in 10 years I have only torn a couple of latex gloves with it. In addition to having my ring back, when I arrived home and grabbed the mail....I had a BIG surprise....Heather's new book Stop, Drop and Roll. Can I say awesome? I mean awesome...thanks Heather!!!!


  1. Beautiful ring! And let us know what you make using Heather's book.

  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Happy anniversary - love the way the ring looks.

  3. Love the ring! Happy Anniversary!! I am hoping to get that book soon. She has such awesome patterns.

  4. Your ring is so beautiful! Happy Anniversary to you! It is a stunning quilt, are you going to make one of the projects from her book? I'll be looking for it!

  5. Wow...I think your ring is beautiful! I love amethysts because it is my birthstone. I saw someone else posted about that book! I guess I am going to have to get it! Have a wonderful week!

  6. I love diamonds :)


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