Saturday, May 16, 2009

bad blogger...

I've been a bad blogger. I have had so much happening at the home front that my computer time is nill. We have been trying to sell our home for 2 years....yep 2 years, and we already moved to our new 2 mortgages. The market isn't good and it's even worse in a town of 20,000 people. This week I felt a bit low about all of it. We have to put more into it and lower the price. By more I mean take ALL the wallpaper down ( I Lothe removing wallpaper) and no I didn't put it up!! It was there when we bought the home. I never removed it! So now it has to come down. Plus we planted red geraniums to decorate the front, changed all the lighting to brushed nickel fixtures and the list goes on and on. Oh and did I mention my husband was out of town? well he was and I am was left to hold down the fort, work and take care of my children. Boy do I miss him when he's gone! Today we managed to get our garden in, plant several annuals and a few more perennials. I managed to finish this table topper and I used Moda's Objects of Desire charm pack. It's a Sandy Gervais pattern. I think it says Spring! or Summer!....or Fall by the time I get it quilted LOL! I have also been tempted to push some buttons...retail therapy since I couldn't/didn't get to market. Someday I will...someday...until then...I am feelin' these..Swanky and Neptune to use with my new book Stop, Drop and Roll and a Wonderland honey bun to use with a new Thimbleblossom pattern called Pint-Sized.

I am hoping to post a few more these next days. But then it's off to South Carolina for Memorial Weekend. I am sooo looking forward to that.


  1. love your table topper, it is adorable!

  2. Having two mortgages is tough, but I also think that having to put money into a home that you are trying to sell is also a tough one to take. I hope that the little touch ups you have made will do the trick. Wishing for the best. Love the little table topper and I just love that Swanky. Have a great time in SC!

  3. Ouch...two mortgages and having to put money into a home you don't live in...a double whammy. Love your retail therapy, though...and the table topper looks great!

  4. Don't know how you handle everything.

    Cute table topper. And that tower of Jelly Rolls and a Honey Bun will be so fun. I looked for the Itty Bitty pattern, but didn't find it.
    I'm just finishing three Swanky quilts; I love Swanky.

  5. nice table runner........goodluck with the house and removing the wall paper.....

  6. I can't imagine having two mortgages one is poopy enough.. so *fingers crossed* things pick up for you real soon..
    I love 'push the button' retail therapy, can do it without having to shower, brush the teeth and stay in my PJ's! LOL I love internet shopping..

    I've been a super bad blogger, I dont think I can remember the last time I posted on my blog, January?? February??? a LONG time ago in bloggy land!

    take care


  7. What a cute table topper - that pattern would make a great quilt for a young girl.

    Two mortgages is tough at any time but even tougher in this economic climate - prayers that your hard work pays off and that the house sells quickly.

  8. Anonymous7:22 AM

    No wonder we haven't seen you here. I'm feeling for you...I hate one mortgage but to have to worry about another house sitting for two years is stress in itself. As always quilting comes through as a stress reliever not to mention to retail therapy! I've got one single jelly roll to make something with....any ideas? I didn't think to buy two and the line is gone now. We are heading to SC Beach day after Memorial Day!

  9. Very cute topper. Love that fabric. Love all Moda. Sure wish we could buy your home.

  10. Yup. You have been busy. You are forgiven. Enjoy South Carolina. Very cute table topper, btw... I need to make something for my table to dress it up. Just need to figure out what.

  11. Hiya"
    Well there is old way of removing wallpaper in large never used bowl.pail,pot etc mix equal parts water and white vinegar then take large sponge soak and apply to wallpaper...should be wet enough to start to peel then wet and peel,wet and peel do not go crazy as you do not want to get wallboard paper soaking wet.Now whatever you do don't scrape with a scraper will damage wallboard do behind something so you can try it I wish I had made a video.If you do it right the wall paper will slide right off Oh and don't let water and vinegar dry slide that off as soon as you can.. good luck.
    Take care
    Helen from N.Y
    Let me know how it works for ya.


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