Monday, February 02, 2009

Couple of finishes

I am now finally caught up on the FQ shop's Mystery BOM. This is block 8...and so easy. I also finished hand sewing the binding on my Red, White and Bold tablerunner. I've got one finish for February~~~ YEAH>..

I still have a few pictures of my fabric shopping spree. I hope to get them loaded tomorrow night. We'll see....
Don't forget to comment on this post to enter for a charm pack!!!!


  1. Let me be the first!!!

  2. Duh, I thought this was the post for the giveaway.

  3. Love that table runner. The colours just POP!

  4. Vickie
    I like the red white and blue table runner I think I need to make one.
    Hope you have a great day.

  5. CUTE!! Thats what that table runner is :o)

  6. Hi Vickie, The BOM is great and I just love the little table runner very sweet! I sent out your other 2 quilts yesterday via UPS. I would be on the look out later this week. Enjoy!

  7. Whatb a neat tablerunner!!! Your work is really nice.

  8. Awesome table runner. The red, white and bold charm pack has been on my list to buy but when I see it, I never get it. I think I need to hunt one down.


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