Thursday, January 08, 2009

What's finished anyhow?

I mean this monthly challenge is to finish the whole item??? Does just the quilt top count? do I have to quilt and bind it first? what about a label? I want to count this quilt top.....I'll have to check IF it's legal LOL
I finished this quilt top on Sunday but I didn't have time to post this picture until now. I can't wait to get this one quilted but I got another I want to send ahead of it. I used a layer cake of Urban Couture. I was able to pick up the borders at my LQS (practically unheard of for me).

This is the next quilt I will get custom quilted. I have had it for 5 years... While I was piecing it my Mother in-law wanted to make one. Once her blocks were pieced, she wanted to quilt it. Somehow, I ended up quilting it and she put the binding on. After that, I didn't have the motivation to quilt MY quilt. The pattern is French Rose by Cabbage Rose from the book Threads of Time. I decided I am going to have Jackie do this one for me. By the way she's having a giveaway on her blog so check it out!.
Please check out my latest update of my Whirl in Winter Giveaway HERE.


  1. I love the one you are sending me! Very pretty! Finished is a matter of speaking, I guess it depends on what each individuals definition is...

  2. That quilt top is so beautiful it has to be "legal" .lol
    Clare's Craftroom

  3. Wow--that is great! How DO you do it? you're a whirlwind and you make me tired! Just catching up on blog reading again, so was great to see all that you are up to. ONE day we'll catch up in person, ya think?

  4. The FINISHED top has lovely fabrics/colurs. I can imagine that you weren´t excited to quilt your quilt after finishing your MIL´s.


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