Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fun today....

Today we had a great time. My sister and I and our 2 seven year old daughters went to the Ripley's Aquarium and shopping at the Celebrity Circle shops... We managed to check out the build a bear workshop....and a few gift stores. Here's my DD with her loot.

This is a just a view of the outdoor shopping....we fed the ducks and the fish. Ended up at an Arcade collecting tokens. It was like Chucky Cheese at the Beach!
Except we ate at the Hard Rock. Here I am with DD1
On our way home...I decided to stop at a quilt shop that was new to me. Sewin' in the Carolinas is a large store with great variety. All around shop...I can see why it has lasted. I just snagged a roll of Moda Daydreams...and I love this quilt done in that I asked the gal to snap my photo here...little did she know...I was trying to remember how they put this quilt together with the jelly roll.
Here's more loot from the 3 shops...

odds and ends to finish projects....
And my deal of the day.....I finished the bolt and got 70% off! That's $2.80 a yard....
So needless to say....I am quite inspired....but we're heading home tomorrow....


  1. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Love the cute bunny fabric.
    It is great seeing all the shops you visit on your travels.

  2. Great fun!! You and your daughter look like you are having a great time! I love the shop you stopped at looks great. The fabric you picked up is gorgeous. What a deal on your last bit of fabric!! Don't forget to pop on over to my blog for a fantastic giveaway when you have the chance.

  3. I like that quilt too. Looks like you had nice weather. How cute is that bunny material???? ;)

  4. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Really great photos!

  5. wow glad you are having a fantastic time! I see she has her build a bear!! love the fabrics and the quilts...the fabric you bought is wonderful!!!


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