Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weekend projects

The Quilt away weekend was awesome. I posted the pics of the goodies I bought but the weekend was so much more than that. I felt as though I had accomplished so much. I can't say there weren't interruptions as I DID have to leave on saturday and drive 20 minutes home to see a patient in my office. It was a glitch but he has limited time available so I tried to be accomodating AND he's one of my quilting buddies' husband, oh and I did stop home for my other camera....so that's where half my pictures are from.
I suppose you would like to see what I worked on??? come on...pretend LOL!
With out much further ado....my finished tops! This is a tumbler little quilt from Celebrate Spring charms by Sandy Gervais.
A little Dandlelion Girl charm goes a long way in this table topper. The half square triangles on the right were left over from the flying geese blocks in the table topper. I put a border on it and it measures about 5 X 7 inches now....I think I may finish it with just a backing and frame it.

Another table topper..have I mentioned I LOVE table toppers right now? I started knitting a dishcloth as well but only stitched 1/3 of the rows so nothing to show yet. This is a Pearl Louise quilt pattern. I am going to quilt it and applique the edges at the same time.
Daffodils near the camp....a sign of spring..just what we needed. I hand quilted a little quilt but I am putting the binding on so I will take a photo when I have it done-done.....


  1. I would love making these table toppers also..........look great

  2. Everything is very cute. I love the tumbling blocks.

  3. LOVE that tumbler quilt! Can I ask...what do you do with templates? I found a tumbler template. If I get it do I just place it on top of a stack of fabrics and cut around it with my rotary?


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