Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day where did you go?

Where did Valentine's Day go? well we drove 9 hours to Iowa.... A long cold trip LOL...view from the window for 550 miles!
My sewing kit of messy as my sewing room.
My hubby brought me this sweet treat...very thoughtful of him. He also gave each of our girls a treat.
This morning we left no time for rest. My mom immediately started working on my hair and cutting my daughters. I thought you'd like to see my color! Here's her getting a cut...she did o-k. My husband had his cut was a family outing of sorts.
After that we headed to lunch and the local quilt shop!!!!!!!!!! yippee...I will post pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a really long, but fun day!!


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