Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It just keeps snowing

A view of the backyard...they cancelled school yesterday. My office had so many cancels that we left around 2pm so....I was home. I had the girls with me so quilting etc was a bit limited but I did quilt a table runner about 50% while the little one napped. I just can't decide what to do with my borders...I think I know but then I change my mind. One thing I started to do yesterday was take pictures of my WIPs...I am going to start to list them here on my blog. I have most of them in my blackberry but then I forget to even look there...but I am on here daily so......here's #1 Tall Snowman.....
#2 An envelope purse that just needs velcro and a strap/handle....
And a quilt top I finished on monday...it's a pattern from Cottonway the newest April tabletopper. I used Marcus Brothers Bleeker Street just like the pattern. I love the colors of this one....now how to quilt it....my usual dilemma.

#4 Butterflies....I want to put a white border and applique vines and more small butterflies...this is one I sort of made up on my own with no pattern. The appliques block centers are about 6 inches, 8 inches with the borders....about baby quilt size. So that's just the beginning...I'm afraid I am going to find more than 50 WIPs...oh boy....


  1. Vicki

    this will freak you out.. I just been working on my butterfly quilt and its EXACTLY the same as butterflies as yours.. how weird is that?? Mine has been a UFO for way too many years..

    thanks again for the pin cushion, I just love love love it!


  2. I love that Marcus Bros. quilt...just beautiful!!!!

  3. Love all your projects. What the envelope purse??That looks cool. And love the butterflys and your strippy quilt. You've been busy. The snow looks so pretty.

  4. Wow, you've been busy. I love all of your projects but my favorite is the Cottonway quilt with the Bleeker Street fabrics. Love those colors. The butterfly quilt is cute too, gosh, too many great fabrics & patterns, no wonder we feel the need to start so many projects and end up with so many WIPs. Have a great week-end.


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