Saturday, December 08, 2007

Um have you been to Kmart???

Ok I am not like a super Martha fan but I went to Kmart and found some of the cutest ornies EVER....Love birds.. Can you say Aqua, red, pink EEEKKKK!!!!! And look at the pincushion ornaments! Oh what's not to love....

Bows and such
And cup cakes too...all the rage these days.....
Oh oh I couldn't stop myself when I saw these...perhaps a kitchen tree?


  1. LOL I love it why not have a kitchen christmas just add some gingerbread men and some bows . I love the all of things you got so cute have fun playing with them
    Hugs Beth

  2. Those kitchen ornaments are too cute!

  3. Great ornaments! I love the cupcakes!


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