Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Crocheted sweets...

I began crocheting when I was great grandmother taught me and a gal I worked with taught me how to read a pattern. I was a mad crocheter...until I went to dental school. All of a sudden I would get terrible pain in my hands from doing dentistry all day and then trying to crochet at night, oh and I was cake decorator then to. That's a lot of repetitive motion. I soon had to give up crochet and started quilting. Well not hand quilting. I could do with a machine and save my hands. Within the last 3 years I found knitting. A friend initially taught me. Interestingly, knitting does not hurt my hands the way crocheting does. I believe it is the way I hold my needles that keeps my wrists straight.

Anyhow, occasionally I regress to crocheting....especially when these types of patterns pop up....

Check out Norma's site if you are a crocheter...she has free patterns for almost all of her 'treats'


  1. These are very 'sweet' looking! Haven't crocheted in years and I know my skills aren't up to making those. Merry Christmas.

  2. OMG those are the cutest!!! I sure wish I could do that. I only make afghans. Haven't tried anything else.


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