Monday, December 03, 2007

Black friday...did I tell you I stayed home?

Well I did...I stayed away from the stores.....but online was a totally different story.... Sew Something Special had 25% off...their entire website...So I indulged in the Brand spankin' new Moda line Simplicity...I didn't find it in any other online shop...I think it was only at I got a jelly roll. I know the pictures are dark but no sun light for a few days here and I just couldn't wait to show off my wares. The charm packs are a combo ALL from Hancock's of shipping over $50 order. 5 of the 6 packs were 50% off....yes that's right $3.98 a pack, Funky Monkey's, Look and Learn, Aunt Grace, Allspice Tapestry and Pampered Pooch. I did pay full price for the Barefoot Roses as I wasn't finding it online many places. I adore the Barefoot line and even bought some green dot fabric coordinate. Some cutesy sofies...a newer book from Joann's and some nuetral fleece for animals. Lord knows I have enough fabric and yarn to clothe a million of these dolls.

I bought this Harmony quilt kit in Vegas at Quiltique...then got home and wanted to make the king or queen version. So I have been on the hunt for more fabric. I found 3 of the 5 pieces I one shop. I am still deciding on where I will buy the other 2. Silly Safari by Moda. I am going to make the cotton way pattern "baby" quilt for my nephew.
More stash building, here with Piece O'cake plaids and prints...

There are still soooo many pictures I want to share. Perhaps more tomorrow...and maybe a giveaway...I have A LOT of charm packs....


  1. Great fabric! I am heading over to check out the charm packs right now! It really is a small world- that Harmony display at Quiltique- I made it! :-) Glad you liked it!

  2. WOWZER!!! Are you taking my title of shopping queen from me? You've bought some way cool things lately. Good for you. I love it all!!! That teeny tiny doll dress is tooooo much. Love it!!

  3. Oooh -- what fun purchases! You sure were busy on Black Friday!


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